Coffee review

Nestle Coffee Brand Culture the Development of Nestle Coffee Company

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The origin of the Nestle Group can be traced back to Switzerland in 1866. In 1867, Mr. Henry Nestle, a Swiss chemist, was the first to invent the world's first baby food, milk cereal. One day, a friend who was a doctor brought a baby born a month prematurely. He couldn't eat and was so weak that he was abandoned. Mr. Henry Nestle took in the child and fed him.

The origin of the Nestle Group can be traced back to Switzerland in 1866. In 1867, Mr. Henry Nestle, a Swiss chemist, was the first to invent the world's first baby food, milk cereal. One day, a friend who was a doctor brought a baby born a month prematurely. He couldn't eat and was so weak that he was abandoned. Mr. Henry Nestle took in the child and fed him his own milk cereal. The little life was saved. The good news soon spread locally and was known to mothers, midwives and doctors. Later, Nestle's "magic products" spread all over the world and became very popular, becoming a high-quality food to help children grow up healthily, leading them to a better life, "quality food, a better life". Wish and mission are the promise of "choosing quality and Nestle".

When the coffee was first developed, the new product was named Nescafe (Nestle Coffee), meaning the perfect combination of Nestl é and coffee. We first introduced Nestle Coffee to the Swiss market on April 1, 1938. In the following five years, World War II hindered the successful expansion of Nestle Coffee in Europe.

After its first launch, Nestl é coffee was quickly exported to France, Britain and the United States. Unwittingly, Americans played an important role in the re-launch of Nestle Coffee on the American market. The reason is that Nestle coffee was included in their food rations at the time. Nestle coffee became more and more popular after World War II, and by the 1950s it had become the drink of choice for teenagers who flocked to cafes to listen to rock music.

According to authority estimates, on average, nearly 5500 cups of Nestle coffee are drunk per second. I'm sure you'll agree that Nestle Coffee has come a long way since 1938, and each of us has benefited a lot from the research work of Max Max Morgenthaler and his colleagues.