Coffee review

The latest introduction of illy Coffee illy Brand Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Illy Coffee Co., Ltd. uses the unique flavor of 100% selected Arabica Arabica coffee beans, which are sold in individual packages to hotels, restaurants, homes and offices. Illy coffee is the number one brand used in restaurants, restaurants and bars in Italy, with a 7.5 per cent market share, while home use accounts for 30.3 per cent of the market. Every single day,

illy Coffee uses 100% Arabica coffee beans to create a unique flavor that is sold in individual packages to hotels, restaurants, homes and offices. illy coffee is the number one brand in italy for restaurants, bars and bars, with 7.5% market share and 30.3% in the home market. Every day, 3 million cups of illy coffee are sold in Italy alone and a staggering 6 million worldwide.

illy coffee green beans selected at the origin are sampled and sent back to the head office. two teams of coffee experts carry out detailed chemical analysis and actual taste testing at the origin and trestle before purchasing large quantities. The electronic scanning system, which combines the expertise of coffee experts with sophisticated technology, ensures the strictest quality control of illy coffee beans. A unique invention that sifts 100 percent of coffee beans to remove inferior or immature beans. Just 50 selected coffee beans can be perfectly transformed into a cup of rich coffee, lips and teeth fragrance.

Illy coffee is very focused on the roasting process, in which the beans are placed in a large rotating cylinder. In the course of 12-15 minutes, the beans lose about 20% of their weight, but expand to 1.6 times their original volume. A series of physical and chemical reactions take place within coffee beans to create more than 1500 substances that are the source of espresso flavor and aroma. illy Coffee precisely controls every step of the roasting process and records in detail the characteristics of each batch, recipe, roasting time, temperature changes and final taste test results.