Coffee review

Dehong Hougu Coffee Brand Culture introduction to the Century Origin of Hougu Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Yunnan Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, the hometown of coffee in China (23502520 north latitude), is located in the coffee gold production belt of the Tropic of Cancer. Its capital, Mangshi, which means the city of dawn in Dai, is said to be named after the dawn when Buddha arrived in Mangshi. Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd., which has the largest scale and the most complete industrial chain in China's coffee industry, originated here and has been continuously developed for more than a decade.

The hometown of coffee in China-- Yunnan Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture (23 °50 °Mel 25 °20'N), is located in the coffee gold production belt of the Tropic of Cancer. Its capital, Mangshi, which means the city of dawn in Dai, is said to be named after the dawn when Buddha arrived in Mangshi. Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd., the largest in China's coffee industry and the most complete industry chain, originated here and has been forging ahead continuously for more than a decade. The dawn of China's coffee industry begins with Dehong.

Dehong Hougu Coffee Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company controlled by Dehong Hongtian Industrial Group, which is composed of 5 shareholders, mainly engaged in the R & D and development of the domestic coffee market. Dehong Hongtian Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. is a national leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization, which is mainly engaged in the cultivation, processing and sale of coffee. Since its establishment in 1994, the company has been committed to the development of the coffee industry. At present, the company has developed into six molecular companies under the jurisdiction of Luxi, Yingjiang, Cannes, Kunming, South Korea and Lincang. The company has a planting base of 120900 mu (investment of 540 million yuan), deep processing capacity of 3000 tons of coffee powder (investment of nearly 100 million yuan), and is building a production line of 10000 tons of instant coffee powder (investment of 463 million yuan). At present, the company produces more than 10000 tons of raw beans and more than 3000 tons of coffee powder to achieve a sales income of 240 million yuan / year. Hongtian company has passed the ISO9001:2007 quality certification. In 2001, Hongtian Group was named as the "advanced private enterprise" of Yunnan Province. Since 2002, it has been continuously rated as the key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization by nine ministries and commissions of the country, and it is the only national key leading enterprise in the national coffee industry. In 2005, it was recognized as a demonstration unit with double guarantee of quality and reputation by China medium and Light products quality Assurance Center, and obtained the "Green Food" certificate issued by China Green Food Development Center. Hougu trademark was evaluated as a famous trademark in Yunnan Province. and was identified as a key support trademark in Dehong Prefecture; in 2006, it was rated as an excellent leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization in Yunnan Province.

In 1892, the godfather Tian Deneng, a French missionary, introduced the habit of drinking coffee into Zhukula Village, Binchuan, Yunnan Province. The oldest coffee forest in China grows in this legendary place. Hougu discovered this source of Chinese coffee culture hidden in the depths of the mountains, named it "the Source of the Valley", and strictly took five measures to protect this ancient coffee forest.

A hundred years have passed in a hurry, and now Hougu Coffee has formed a marketing model of the whole industry chain, constantly has a number of patented technologies, and has developed more than 20 "Hougu" brand products that meet the needs of consumers. it was awarded as "famous Trademark of Yunnan Province" and "well-known Trademark of China". Taking the listing as an opportunity, with the support of the provincial party committee and provincial government, the company strives to change the dominant market pattern of foreign brands in China, so that Chinese coffee can move from Zhugula village, from Dehong valley to the whole world.