Coffee review

The Star Wars coffee cup is coming, the Christmas atmosphere is coming, fans are partying!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Star Wars: the Force Awakens is two days away! Are Star Wars fans ready? Dark Brew Coffee has brought white Stormtrooper and black Darth Vader coffee cups for coffee-loving Star Wars fans. The exquisite cup lid design makes people like it at first sight. In addition, the body of the cup is also printed with all kinds of coffee.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is two days away! Star Wars fans, are you ready? Dark Brew Coffee is bringing coffee mugs featuring the white Stormtrooper and black Darth Vader characters to Star Wars fans who love coffee. Delicate cup lid design makes people like it at first sight! In addition, the cup body part is also printed with various sentences about coffee, which is quite interesting. At the same time as the cup, Dark Brew's various coffee series were launched to meet the needs of different groups of people. How about that? Are Star Wars fans ready?

Source: ELLE Chinese website