Coffee review

A touch of exquisite feeling of artistic inspiration in the industrial style cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Enjoy coffee Enjoy Coffee opens in a cultural and creative park that can be regarded as a hidden world, without gorgeous signs or light box advertisements, walking into the cultural and creative park, a white wall and a steel frame door frame with five simple letters: enjoy. The man in charge here, Lucifer, is an engineering graduate, but he expresses his uncontrollable artistic inspiration from the bottom of his heart.

Enjoy coffee

Enjoy Coffee opens in a cultural and creative park that can be regarded as a hidden world, without gorgeous signs or light box advertisements, walking into the cultural and creative park, a white wall and a steel frame door frame with five simple letters: enjoy. The man in charge here, Lucifer, was born in engineering, but he expressed his uncontrollable artistic inspiration in his favorite enjoy. Lucifer preserved the original dilapidated old factory building as it was, and the removed red bricks were reluctant to throw it away, so they piled up a photo wall at the door and put coffee makers and green plants. Then paint the exposed red bricks on the surrounding walls with a layer of white paint, but through the white paint, you can still see the lines of the years and the cracks that have been knocked on the wall tiles, welding tables and hanging lamp racks with steel frames, and the strong fragrance of coffee permeates among the elements of industry.




Although it is located in a remote place, Enjoy has many regular customers. The host Lucifer is very talkative. When the guest comes to the store for the first time, he will recommend the most suitable coffee according to the guest's interests. When I am not busy, I will sit down and chat with the guests in the sun. As a standard engineering male, Lucifer doesn't admire how beautiful a cup of coffee is, but its taste. In the process of making his signature special latte, even the flow rate of the Espresso will be strictly controlled, and finally draw a simple heart with delicate milk foam as the end. Lucifer will carefully warm the coffee cup so that guests can hold it in the palm of their hand in winter, but the coffee inside can be drunk directly at the right temperature, unlike some brands who buy it but are too hot to drink immediately.





Here, there are iced American coffee with hot Espresso directly on the ice, rum added and Cupid kisses beautifully layered, each of which is of great interest to me. The middle table of the coffee shop is full of books, and when the winter sun shines on the sofa through the floor-to-ceiling windows, a book with a cup of coffee is the simplest but most comforting life. Life can not follow the rules every second, in a hurry, occasionally loose down to look at life, is also reasonable. Therefore, drinking coffee is a fun thing to find when you are busy and boring. Just like its name, when tired of life wearing a mask, it should be enjoy ourselves.





Environment: steel frames and red bricks create a strong industrial style, as well as a lot of magazines, novels and anime dolls.

Service: Lucifer's friends often come to the store to help, who are very warm and careful to talk to customers about coffee.

Traffic: take 322, 196, 20, 202 and walk 150 meters under Timber New Village Station.

Source: Xiamen