Coffee review

Post-85 good-looking CEO Alimas: building a Starbucks restaurant from Xinjiang

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, At the Vimini Changchun Road store, Ali Maspora asked the painter to paint on the wall, and the combination of traditional rice grabbing and modern painting style attracted the attention of customers. I hope to build the restaurant into a Starbucks from Xinjiang, so that more people will realize the hospitality of our people in Xinjiang, and people who come to eat can feel that we are a family. Tianshan Network News (reported by reporter Li Juan and Zhao Yong) No


At the Changchun Road store of "Vimi Grain", Ali Maspora asked the painter to paint on the wall, and the combination of traditional rice grabbing and modern painting style attracted the attention of customers.

"I hope to turn the restaurant into a 'Starbucks' from Xinjiang, so that more people will realize the hospitality of our people in Xinjiang, and people who come to eat can feel that we are a family."

Tianshan Network News (photographed by reporter Li Juan and Zhao Yong)

Different Uygur restaurants

At the "Vimi grains" restaurant in the Meimei Friendship Shopping Center in Urumqi, commercials for "Vimi grains" are being broadcast on TV in the ordering area. It seems normal to show your own advertising film in the restaurant, but it's just that this commercial is different from the traditional advertising film. This is not so much a promotional film for a restaurant as a personal promotional film. The protagonist of the promotional film is Ali Masferati, a CEO of the post-85 Vimi restaurant.

This is a typical "I speak for myself". Speaking of this, I have to mention Jumei CEO Chen ou's advertisement-"I speak for myself".

Have the appearance of a star and the heart of the catering industry. Indeed, if you want to appear in a promotional film for countless guests to watch, the temperament image must be excellent. When it comes to temperament image, Arimas couldn't be more confident. Handsome and handsome face, coupled with the temperament given by good education, only from the outside, Arimas has enough capital self-confidence. In addition, Arimas knows how to "clean up" himself, shining hairspray, straight suit, English beard, regular fitness, perfume that must be worn when he goes out in the morning. From the inside to the outside, Alimas' aura is the self-confidence, trendy and unconventional style that a star CEO has.

The eclectic style of Alimas is first reflected in the style of the halal restaurant "Vimi Grain". When it comes to Xinjiang cuisine, the first thing that comes to mind in many people's minds is Uighur delicacies such as noodles, rice, mutton kebabs and baked buns. What most of these restaurants (or stalls) have in common is simple decoration and general hygiene, with strong ethnic characteristics. But Ali Mars's "Vimi Grain" Uighur cuisine restaurant is in the opposite direction. The restaurant is decorated in a modern style, clean and tidy and of high grade. Most importantly, he has almost removed all the restaurant costumes with national characteristics, and the rest is the national cuisine itself.

"the enterprise is now managed by large fast-food enterprises such as McDonald's and KFC." Arimas said.

When recruiting ethnic minority employees, "Wei Mi Grain" should first be able to speak Chinese, "because the positioning of our enterprise is not only to gain a foothold in the Urumqi market, but also to open branches in first-tier cities in the mainland, where the majority of the audience is Han nationality, so we should prepare in advance. What we want to build is a modern fast food enterprise. " "We will also come across people who take our menu and ask why there is no Uighur, and I will explain my position to the business to them," Arimas explained. "

The eclecticism of Arimas is also reflected incisively and vividly in individuals. For example, he opened the first halal restaurant in Urumqi, and then jumped to Shanghai. It is understood that in 2016, the first fashionable fast food restaurant in mainland China will open in Xuhui District of Shanghai. For example, "vermicelli" is the transliteration of "we are family" in English, which he uses as the name of the restaurant.

Talking about the future, Alimas hopes that in the future, "Vimi grains" can be used not only for Uygur cuisine, but also for eight halal cuisines, full of Manchu and Han. "our ultimate goal is to list companies on Nasdaq in the United States," he said. "


Ali Maas Flati and the store manager were talking about the specific management of the store, and behind him were customers who came to eat.

From pragmatic youth to entrepreneurial youth

The ideas and ideas of many people were formed in college. The same is true for Alimas, but his college experience and subsequent changes in ideas are extremely dramatic and in great contrast.

At Zhejiang University, Alimas majored in land resources and urban management, which now seems to have nothing to do with his career. But there are many uncertainties in life. Arimas, who entered the university in 2005, lived the same college life as most college students, including classes, dismissals, community activities and computer games. As for the future, it is the same as that of many people: take the civil service examination.

If it goes on like this, it is conceivable that Alimas may be living a nine-to-five working life in a future government department. But a trip to the United States in the summer of 2006 completely changed Arimas from a pragmatic young man who wanted to be a civil servant to an eclectic entrepreneurial youth.

During the summer vacation of 2006, the school organized Arimas and his classmates to go to the United States to participate in an "International Alliance of University Entrepreneurship." Arimas admitted that he went with a playful mentality at that time. Arimas is deeply impressed by another cultural background and educational atmosphere that can be felt in the United States.

"when I saw an American college student my age picking us up in a van, I was very impressed. In China, it is rare for such a big student to drive a car. " As soon as we met, Arimas was hit by the independence of American college students.

During the more than a month of visiting, exchanging and studying, what Arimas saw and learned touched him a lot. During the visit and exchange, Arimas and his classmates will demonstrate the topic in accordance with the requirements of the topic, and express their views in English on the podium. Arimas vaguely remembers that what he did at that time was an environmental protection project, and he read more books in more than 20 days than in Zhejiang University.

Before the visit to the United States was over, Alimas called his parents to express his wish to go to college in the United States. "my parents just want me to think about it and have no clear objection." "my father was a soldier, and I was taught to do everything with the mentality of 'there is a minefield ahead and a cliff behind it,' and don't give yourself a way back," Alimas said. "

Through his efforts, Arimas was admitted to Lincoln University in the United States to study international relations and political science. After graduation, he went to New Oriental as a teacher for a year. In 2010, he returned to Urumqi and took care of his father's business of "Mayflower catching Rice." with enough knowledge and knowledge, Arimas began to run his own ideas through the operation. "Vimi grains" was born in the business philosophy of Arimas.


There are some Marvel comic book heroes on the yogurt cabinet in the store, and you can see that the traditional recipe names are also unique on the light box behind Ali Maas Flati.

Turn the restaurant into a Starbucks from Xinjiang.

If you cook something fresh in a big country, the ancients compared governing the country to cooking dishes, so it can be seen that cooking dishes is by no means easy, let alone running a restaurant.

Nowadays, many young people who have inherited their father's career have studied MBA abroad, but Arimas majored in land resources and urban management at Chinese universities, and international relations and political science at American universities, all of which have nothing to do with business or business management. However, his father's teaching, his own knowledge and experience, and the absolute freedom given by his father, enabled him to make great efforts, and on the contrary, he had a different approach to business and business management.

After inspecting the market all over the country, Alimas found that Xinjiang food is more popular, and it is easier for many people in the mainland to accept it, and there are many Xinjiang-style restaurants in the mainland. But these Xinjiang-style restaurants in the mainland have no roots in Xinjiang. "because there are no roots and no corresponding cultural roots, these restaurants can't go far." Alimas said that their decoration style and waiters' clothes are all imitating the Uighurs in Xinjiang, giving people a sense of mystery, which to a certain extent affects the public's understanding of Xinjiang food, and then affects the understanding of Xinjiang. "

What belongs to the nation belongs to the world. This is a widely circulated saying, sometimes it is right, sometimes it is not. Alimas believes that the first thing to do in Xinjiang is to attract mainland customers into the store. "only by getting close to you can you get to know you better." Arimas said.

Alimas starts his day by receiving emails in response, and sometimes teaches his employees modern culture and modern business management concepts through Wechat. As a lecturer in New Oriental, he is adept at doing this. He introduced the modern enterprise management system into the enterprise, from the recruitment of employees to training, the construction of corporate culture and so on. One of the most obvious points is also what he called "laying down the national burden."

He said: "I hope that everyone will not have a narrow national concept, as long as work hard to achieve results."

"Vimi granule" is the transliteration of English "we are family". The name Arimas has been thinking about for a long time. "what I think is that our people of all ethnic groups are one family, and it is only when we enter the same door that we like the same taste of food." Arimas said.

As soon as the advertisements for "Vimi granules" and "we are family" were launched, they received a lot of calls hoping to join.

Alimas's customers are young people with online spending power. The first fashionable fast food restaurant on the mainland will be opened in Xujiahui, Shanghai during the May Day holiday in 2016.

"I hope to turn the restaurant into a 'Starbucks' from Xinjiang, so that more people will realize the hospitality of our people in Xinjiang, and people who come in for dinner can feel that we are a family." Arimas said.


Ali Masferati pays so much attention to his image that he has to look at himself in the mirror before going out.

Source: original Tianshan net