Coffee review

The domestic coffee chain leader held the 10th anniversary celebration. Senna left Bank Group 10th anniversary thank-you meeting.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, On December 16, 2015, Sena left Bank Coffee Group, the largest coffee chain in China (announced by China franchise Network), ushered in its tenth birthday. Ten years' time, whether it is long or short, but for an enterprise, it has different value and significance. The tenth anniversary, something new.

Senna left Bank Group 10th Anniversary appreciation meeting and National franchisee Exchange Conference

On December 16, 2015, Sena left Bank Coffee Group, the largest coffee chain in China (announced by China franchise Network), celebrated its tenth birthday. Ten years' time, whether it is long or short, but for an enterprise, it has different value and significance. The tenth anniversary, a unique struggle, the tenth anniversary, all the way forward. Senna left Bank Coffee has interpreted a legend of the coffee industry to the world with his obsession with coffee.

From the first directly operated store in Zhongguancun to more than 360 stores today, it was successfully listed in the Shanghai Equity Exchange Center in May this year, directly driving nearly 10,000 jobs and training hundreds of professionals in the coffee field. After ten years of efforts, Sena left Bank Coffee continues to develop and improve, taking the lead in completing the layout of the whole industry chain in the industry, setting up a coffee planting base and baking R & D base in Pu'er, and then setting up a coffee institute in Beijing.

The people on the left bank of Sena never forget their original ideals and aspirations, adhere to their beliefs and are willing to be the disseminators of coffee culture. It has not only become the pride of the local industry, but also the benchmark for the admiration of the global coffee giants. Senna left Bank Coffee is not only a national brand of social significance, but also an example for China's coffee chain industry to become bigger and stronger.

"Thank you for ten years". On December 16, 2015, the 10th anniversary thank-you meeting of Sena left Bank Group and the national franchisee exchange meeting were solemnly held in Wuqing Dian, the core area of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

On this day of extraordinary significance, not only the leaders of the China Coffee Association personally came to congratulate and made an important speech, encouraging the industry to take advantage of the country's "Belt and Road Initiative" grand blueprint for rapid development. there are also heads of enterprises in the same industry, industry experts, and franchisees from all over the country have come to the celebration site to celebrate, not only to exchange industry experience, but also to look for opportunities for cooperation to seek common development.

As the leading enterprise in China's local coffee chain industry, we believe that Sena left Bank Coffee, which has experienced ten years of ups and downs, will usher in more brilliant achievements in the next decade!

Source: Sadie