Coffee review

Explore the secrets of Qiaohe Coffee study Club in Hefei residential buildings to teach you how to make good coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hidden in the residential building of Yuanyi Square, Qiaohe Coffee Research Society has a small space, but it has five internal organs, and it has an independent coffee roaster, from hand-made items to Italian concentrate, where you can learn to make it. As coffee becomes more and more common, drinking a good cup of coffee has become a new standard to judge whether a person really pursues the quality of life. Qiaohe Coffee Research Society put a group of people who want to drink good coffee

Hidden in the residential building of Yuanyi Square,"Qiaohe Coffee Study Club" is not a big place, but it has all the necessary facilities. It has an independent coffee roaster, from hand-brewed items to Italian concentrated coffee, where you can learn to make it.



As coffee became more common, drinking a good cup of coffee became the new standard by which to judge whether a person was truly pursuing quality of life. Joe's Coffee Workshop brings together a group of people from around the world who want to drink good coffee, digs out the secrets of a good cup of coffee from every detail, and teaches you how to make a good cup of coffee that satisfies your taste buds, which is what Joe and his friends are doing.

Joe, a coffee quality appraiser of Qiaohe Coffee Study Club, was born in Hefei and studied in new Zealand. Attracted by foreign cafe culture, he opened his first cafe (George Factory Cafe) after returning to China in 2011. In 2013, he founded "Johe Coffee Learning Club" with friends to provide teaching and venue assistance for coffee practitioners and coffee lovers.



To suit the needs of learners, Johe Coffee offers a variety of educational programs. Hand-brewed basics, the first thing every coffee lover must master, teach you how to make a good cup of coffee at home during the two-hour course. Junior Coffee Lab, which includes basic espresso introduction, history, science, technology, etc. Downstairs is the parking lot, within two hours for only 5 yuan, there are bus stops nearby, but because of the construction of subway line 1, there is no direct bus to go there.

Environment: Simple and generous

Service: thoughtful

Transportation: Downstairs is the parking lot, within two hours as long as 5 yuan; you can also take No.119 to No.11 Middle School Station, walk to the business.

Comprehensive: a good place to taste coffee and learn coffee knowledge.

Address: Room 902, Building 8, Yuanyi Times Square

Time: 10:00 - 17:00

Price: $50

Contact: 0551-63437315

Original title: Coffee fragrance in residential buildings

Source: Fresh City Hefei