Coffee review

The function of one-way Valve in Coffee Packaging

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, A number of coffee newcomers asked us why there are holes in the top of your coffee bag. Today, the editor will come and explain it to you. The packaging of coffee beans in the store has always been a Kraft paper one-way exhaust valve with aluminum foil bag, which is specially designed for coffee products. The hole above is the vent of the one-way exhaust valve. So why coffee?

A number of coffee newcomers asked us why there are holes in the top of your coffee bag. Today, the editor will come and explain it to you.

The packaging of coffee beans in the store has always been a Kraft paper one-way exhaust valve with aluminum foil bag, which is specially designed for coffee products. The hole above is the vent of the one-way exhaust valve.

So why do coffee beans use one-way valve bags?

1. Roasted coffee beans are sealed and packaged in aluminum foil bags to prevent coffee beans from coming into contact with light and air, resulting in rapid fragrance emission and oxidation.

two。 The "one-way exhaust valve" coffee bag can insulate the light and air from outside the bag, so that the coffee beans can keep the fresh original taste of the coffee beans in the best state of preservation and packaging.

3. Roasted coffee beans will naturally emit carbon dioxide, such as accumulation in the bag will affect the quality of coffee beans, and the "one-way exhaust valve" on the bag can let the excess gas out of the bag, and the coffee can squeeze the bag to smell the fragrance.

This kind of packaging is to design a valve with a double-layer structure made of thin film on the seal of the bag. after loading the baked beans, the carbonic acid gas produced after baking will be discharged from the valve, and the outside gas can not enter the bag. can effectively maintain the original aroma and essence of roasted coffee beans. This is currently the most recommended packaging method for roasted coffee beans, and coffee products with this packaging should be selected as far as possible.

To put it more popularly, this air valve is only inaccessible. After roasting, coffee beans will produce gases such as carbon dioxide, which need to be discharged slowly. On the other hand, the one-way exhaust valve is encapsulated on the coffee bag, and a hole is pierced on the surface of the bag in the position of the one-way valve, so that the carbon dioxide precipitated from the baked coffee beans can be automatically discharged out of the bag, but the air from the outside can not enter the bag. It effectively ensures the dry and mellow flavor of coffee beans, and will not cause the bags to open because of the accumulation of carbon dioxide, and at the same time prevent coffee beans from being accelerated by external air.

Part of the text comes from "bonavita Bonavita" and edited and released by "the country of Coffee".