Coffee review

Love to collect Starbucks Cup? Characteristic design concept cup let's take a look at Starbucks Creative Design Cup

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There is no doubt about Starbucks' position in the coffee shop chain, so did you know that Starbucks' circular LOGO is also imitated by many trendy brands and design brands? When the trend brand played LOGO transformation, some cycling brands also began to try, we are going to talk about today's FRANCO is one of them. This kind of cycling water recommended for you this time

There is no doubt about Starbucks' position in the coffee shop chain, so did you know that Starbucks' circular LOGO is also imitated by many trendy brands and design brands? When the trend brand played LOGO transformation, some cycling brands also began to try, we are going to talk about today's FRANCO is one of them.

The cycling kettle recommended this time comes from FRANCO's latest cycling series this year. The 22oz kettle is designed with a pure white material, while the iconic LOGO part uses the Starbucks green label to play with. We can see that the LOGO has been transformed into a female cyclist, and the SLOGEN behind the kettle seems to complement the overall design of the kettle. You might as well come and have a look if you like.

Individual product recommendation:


Name: FRANCO The Grande Bottle

Price: $12


单品 | 爱收集星巴克杯?这只水壶有了没?

单品 | 爱收集星巴克杯?这只水壶有了没?

单品 | 爱收集星巴克杯?这只水壶有了没?

单品 | 爱收集星巴克杯?这只水壶有了没?

单品 | 爱收集星巴克杯?这只水壶有了没?

单品 | 爱收集星巴克杯?这只水壶有了没?

单品 | 爱收集星巴克杯?这只水壶有了没?

Source: 700BIKE