Coffee review

Run run Shaw Hospital shows its own brand of cafe nurses to make coffee desserts and healthy diet.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Zhejiang online, January 19, the smell of coffee floated into Shaw run run Hospital affiliated to the Medical College of Zhejiang University. Yesterday morning, Shao Yichi Coffee officially opened. It is neither a popular star father, nor a chain coffee shop in South Korea that is very in, but a self-created brand of run run Shaw Hospital. It is opened in the south of the hospital building 4, a fully transparent two-story building, particularly eye-catching. The first day of business

Zhejiang online, January 19, the smell of coffee floated into Shaw run run Hospital affiliated to the Medical College of Zhejiang University. Yesterday morning, Shaoyi Coffee officially opened for business.

It is neither a popular star father, nor a chain coffee shop in South Korea that is very in, but a self-created brand of run run Shaw Hospital.

It is opened in the south of the hospital building 4, a fully transparent two-story building, particularly eye-catching.

On the morning of the first day of opening, nearly 700 cups of coffee and 150 cakes were sold in the store. Doctors and nurses in white coats packed the 100-square-meter store, making it a different landscape.

Why did the hospital create its own cafe? Doctors and nurses drink coffee. What's so different about it? Qian Bao reporter asked Cai Xiujun, director of run run Shaw Hospital, for advice.

The dean positioned the cafe.

A beautiful nurse should be employed as a supervisor

A year ago, run run Shaw Hospital planned to build a cafe to find the person in charge. As soon as the news was sent out, Shan Haiying took the initiative to register.

At that time, she had been working as a nursing secretary in the general surgical ward for more than 20 years. "I like coffee culture very much. I have coffee machines at work and at home. I have made my own coffee for four or five years, and I also want to share good coffee with my colleagues."

Many employees are looking forward to building a cafe in the hospital.

"run run Shaw Hospital recruits 2 professional baristas and 2 coffee apprentices, requiring: love coffee, optimistic and studious, male or female." In the early days of the establishment of the cafe, this recruitment notice became popular in the circle of friends because it was widely forwarded by the staff. Shan Haiying said that as soon as the notice was issued, it received calls from more than 100 applicants.

What brand does the cafe use? How to locate it? President Cai Xiujun personally came out and discussed at the hospital leadership meeting and decided not to introduce other brands, but to create his own Shaoyi brand.

"many internationally renowned coffee brands want to cooperate with our hospital, but as a hospital with a profound western background, we hope to integrate the culture and concept of the hospital and combine the needs of the staff with the hospital brand. I believe that 'Shaoyi Coffee' will become one of the Shaoyi brand series that employees are proud of. " Cai Xiujun said.

There is only one cup of coffee

Add only one tablespoon of syrup

The cafe created by the hospital, how does the coffee taste? Qian Bao reporter tasted it on the spot. A hot latte is not sweet; a small cake is not greasy.

"mm-hmm, absolutely no more syrup." Shan Haiying nodded and said that when baristas in the store make coffee, they are used to pressing the syrup bottle three times. "We only press it once in the store, which is equivalent to a small tablespoon."

If you look at the pastry, the color is not very bright, mainly brown and white. "pastries are made of the healthiest ingredients without additives. If it is made with pigment, the color will be brighter. " Shan Haiying said.

As for the cup type, Shao Yi coffee has only one choice: 360ml, almost medium cup, different coffee prices range from 22 yuan to 28 yuan. This amount is also fastidious, doctors say, drink more will not be healthy.

Barista Xiao Wei said that judging from the trial operation the previous week, the most popular models were mocha, cappuccino and hot chocolate.

"the business peak is at noon, and doctors and nurses are used to having a drink after dinner. After the New year, Shao Yue Coffee will recruit a few more people and send the coffee directly to the ward and operating room. After that, there will be coffee lectures and manual brewing experiences. "

But when it comes to coffee, doctors and nurses are not greedy. Xiao Wei said that hundreds of cups of coffee are sold every day, and there are basically no doctors and nurses to buy them repeatedly, usually one cup per person per day.

Shaoyi Coffee is open not only to hospital staff, but also to citizens. You come to run run Shaw Hospital for medical treatment. if you are thirsty and tired, take the opportunity to enjoy such a cup of quality and healthy Shaoyi coffee.

On the first day of official business, Shao Yichi Coffee also became a screen bully, firmly occupying the page of every Shao Yinren's circle of friends. Between the lines, it was not only a love of new things, but also an identification with hospital culture, and many employees showed their tasting experience.

"Yes! Father Bi Xing is better! "

"your working environment is so good. Come on, dig me up. "

"other people's coffee bar."


Why do you make great efforts to build a coffee culture?

President Cai Xiujun said that Shaw Hospital, which is patient-centered and staff-oriented, has always placed providing quality medical services for patients as important as a platform for employees' sustainable development. and always strive to become the "best employer" in the minds of employees, and these spontaneous propaganda of employees is the best feedback to this positive culture.

Source: Zhejiang online-Qianjiang Evening News