Coffee review

How to make single Coffee how to make Coffee siphon Pot

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Siphon pot (Syphon) features: siphon unique charm, you can enjoy the whole process of seeing coffee beans into coffee, focusing on the process of operation. The siphon pot is connected by a heating container and a funnel container. The connecting part is a filter with coffee dust on it. When the water is boiled in a heating container, it goes into the funnel container and mixes with coffee powder; then the heat is cut off.

Siphon pot (Syphon)

Features: siphon unique charm, you can enjoy the whole process of brewing coffee beans into coffee, focusing on the process of operation.

The siphon pot is connected by a heating container and a funnel container. The connecting part is a filter with coffee dust on it. After boiling in the heating container, the water goes into the funnel container and mixes with the coffee powder; at this time, the heating source is cut off, and the partial vacuum formed by the cooling of the heating container pulls the coffee back to the bottom through the filter.

1. Check the siphon pot upper / lower seat and filter, filter cloth is in good condition, timer, stirring bar, coffee spoon is complete.

two。 The use of pure water, in order to improve the production speed, can directly heat hot water.

3. Add water according to the scale on the lower seat of the siphon pot (a little more than the actual amount of water).

4. Before heating the fire, dry the water droplets outside the upper / lower seat of the siphon pot with a mouth cloth (to prevent the siphon kettle from being damaged).

5. Add hot water to the coffee cup or put it on a cup warmer to warm the cup (to prevent the aroma and acidity of the coffee from increasing).

6. Use 15 grams (about one and a half spoonfuls) of a cup of coffee and set the grinding scale to (2.5).

7. Place the filter retractor vertically down in the center of the upper seat and hook the glass tube (to prevent coffee grounds from flowing into the coffee).

8. When the water is heated to a small bubble, insert the upper seat of the siphon pot into the water.

9. When the water rises to the upper seat, turn off the fire, remember the time, stir at the same time, and stir 5-6 times clockwise.

10. After 30 seconds, the wooden stirring stick is inserted into the coffee 2Pot 3 for a second stir.

11. Except (Blue Mountain, Kona, Hawaii), turn off the heat for 45-50 seconds, all other coffees are heated for 60 seconds.

twelve。 First release the pressure in the lower seat, and then shake off the upper seat (move slowly to avoid damage to the appliance).

13. Pour the coffee into a preheated coffee cup and attach a coffee plate, coffee spoon, milk grains and sugar packet.