Coffee review

Kalita Wave brewing teaching Kalita wavy filter cup brewing: enhancement

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Kalita Wave Brewing:Intensive Kalita corrugated filter cup brewing: enhanced WARNING:This is video is about coffee brewing theory and techniques,not vsiual appeal or entertainment factor. Warning: this is about coffee brewing theory and technology, not affected by visual attractiveness or entertainment. If youre

Kalita Wave Brewing:Intensive

Kalita corrugated filter cup brewing: strengthening

WARNING:This is video is about coffee brewing theory andtechniques,not vsiual appeal or entertainment factor.

Warning: this is about coffee brewing theory and technology, not affected by visual attractiveness or entertainment.

If youre interested in the intricacies of coffee brewing,prepared to be bored out of your mind.I mean,there isnt even any music.Seriously

If you're making coffee, you're ready to boredom about the complexity of your heart.

I mean, there's not even any music.


This brew was 40 grams of coffee.

552g (19.5oz) of water

207F (92.2 C) initial brew water temp

3 min 35 seconds total brew time

Kalita Wave Pot pouring kettle

This brew is 40 grams of coffee.

Initial brewing water temperature

Total brewing time of 3 minutes and 35 seconds

Carita wave filter cup

Initial off-gassing (bloom)

Hot water sublimates carbon-dioxide

Initial release of gas (flowering)

Hot water sublimates into carbon dioxide

Evenly added water (double the coffee weight)

Pausing until initial "bloom" stops growing

Evenly increase the water (double the weight of coffee)

Pause until the initial "flowering" stops growing.

Gas will continue to be expelled for up to 2 minutes

If gas is pushing out,water isnt getting in efficiently

The gas will continue to be discharged for up to 2 minutes.

If the gas is pushed out, the water cannot be effectively obtained.

This is the "wetting phase" of coffee brewing

Where hot water is entering the coffee partrcles.

This is the "wetting stage" of coffee brewing.

Hot water enters the place where the coffee granules are.

The objectvie is degassing and fully-wetting each particle

In order for next phase to begin: extraction.

The aim is to exhaust and fully wet each particle.

In order to start the next stage; extract.

Extraction is the dissolution (dissolving) of solids into water

And transport of those solids out of the coffee particles.

Extraction is the solubility of solids.

And transport solid coffee particles.

Water temperature affects how aggressive a solvent it is.

And rate at which certain solutes will dissolve in thewater.

Water temperature will affect the invasiveness of solvents.

How the water fiows throgh the coffee bed is important.

Even is always better.

How the water passes through the coffee bed is very important.

Or even better.

If water flow through any part of the bed is too aggressive

The surface layers of those particles will extract faster.

If the flow of water through any part of the bed is too positive

The surface layer of these particles will be extracted faster.

If water flow through the bed is too slow

Your result may be too strong,possibly requiring dilution.

If the current is too slow across the bed

Your results may be too strong and may need to be diluted.

Pouring water is a necessary evil,and needs management.

Pouring introduces extra agitation,but only where you pour.

Watering is a necessary evil and needs to be managed.

Pouring introduces extra stirring, but only in your place.

You can pour along the rippled edge to re-integrate.some of the "high and dry" grounds back into the bed.

You can pour it on the edge of the wave filter cup and reintegrate it. Some "high and dry" reasons to go back to bed.

Effective pouring requires an intentional balance between pouring quickly and pouring gently.

Effective pouring requires an intentional balance to pour gently.

Using the water bed to dissipate the energy from pouring

As shown can help manage pouring-related agitation.

Using a water bed to consume energy from pouring can help manage pouring-related stirring.

Coffee bed geometry will determine evenness potential,but tuchnique will either maximize or undermine that potential.

The geometry of the coffee bed will determine the uniformity, but the technology can maximize or destroy the potential.

Continuous-flow brew methode like pour over or drip.

Exhibit even brew dynamics from beginning to end.

Continuous-flow brewing methods such as pouring or dripping.

The exhibition even brews the dynamic from beginning to end.

Most "full-immersion" metods are less balanced

With hight bed agitation at the end of the brew time.

The most "full immersion" method is unbalanced.

The high bed stirring ends at the brewing time.

Ouick gentle pouring allows the magority of the brewtime.

To be a gentle flow of water through the bed by gravity.

Rapid and mild pouring allows more time for BREW.

It's a gentle flow of water through gravity.

The third phase of brewing is "hydrolysis"

And requires sufficient time and sufficient temperature.

The third stage of brewing is "hydrolysis".

And need enough time and enough temperature.

Hemi-cellulose is hydrolyzed into its components:

Compounds called "reducing sugars."

Hemicellulose is hydrolyzed into its composition:

The compound is called "reducing sugar".

Grind size determines the distance sulubles must travel

From the center ofof particles,out into solution

The grinding size determines the distance sulubles must travel.

From the center, particles into the solution

And how much surface area is exposed

Surface area increases exponentially compared to diameter.

And how much surface area has been exposed.

The surface area of the specific diameter is multiplied.

So to minimize overextraction of particle outer layers

Coarser grind deeper bed often yields better results.

So in order to reduce the outer part of the particles, thicker grinding deeper beds tend to produce better results.

When to stop pouring to reach your target berw time

When stop pouring Berwick time to reach your goal.

The rate of flow through the coffee bed is determined by

Bed depth,grind size,and grind profile.

The flow rate through the coffee bed is determined by the bed depth, grinding size, and grinding profile.

A grind profile with too many finest (over 20%