Coffee review

Boutique Coffee Sidamo Coffee region African Coffee Flavor

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, In recent years, many emerging small producing areas or cooperatives in the Sidamo and Yekashev producing areas will be sold in the international market under the name of their own cooperatives or farms, which shows confidence in their own coffee. Hope to establish brand and loyalty in the international coffee market, coffee farmers insist on picking mature coffee beans and strictly handle every process, whether it is natural washing.

In recent years, many emerging small producing areas or cooperatives in the Sidamo and Yekashev producing areas will be sold in the international market under the name of their own cooperatives or farms, which shows confidence in their own coffee. Hope to establish brand and loyalty in the international coffee market, coffee farmers insist on picking mature coffee beans and strictly handle every process, whether it is natural washing or natural sun drying. Unexpected aroma and excellent taste, which I think is the reason why Ethiopian coffee is expected by coffee fans every year. For example, the Dutch government-assisted Red Cherry Project (Operation Cherry Red) impressed the world with the magnificent aroma of strawberry cookies in 2008 and Cambedo Manor in 2009, which has been reinforced by the sun beans produced in Ethiopia in recent years.

Local farmers in West Dharma manually select moderately mature coffee cherries for sun treatment, turning the coffee cherries on the scaffolding every two hours during the sun for about 15 to 17 days. to ensure that the coffee cherries are evenly and completely dry, followed by shelling and packaging.