Coffee review

Philadelphia pressure filtration tools compare coffee utensils

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, People who can make coffee with Philharmonic pressure are very common, because it is simple and fast, and the product is stable. And on the basis of simplicity, can you make it taste better with Philharmonic pressure? Let's make a comparison of Philharmonic pressure's filtering tools today to see which one is more suitable for you. Here, we study which is done through IMS water distribution network, Able coarse pore filter, Able fine pore filter and ordinary filter paper.

People who can make coffee with Philharmonic pressure are very common, because it is simple and fast, and the product is stable. And on the basis of simplicity, can you make it taste better with Philharmonic pressure?

Let's make a comparison of Philharmonic pressure's filtering tools today to see which one is more suitable for you.

Here, we study which is more suitable for Philharmonic pressure through IMS water distribution network, Able coarse pore filter, Able fine pore filter and ordinary filter paper. The design of each filter is different, so the flavor is also different. For example, we found that coffee is sweetened with an IMS water distribution net and stronger with a coarse porous filter.

Start testing.

Filtering tool

1) ordinary filter paper

2) Able coarse hole filter

3) Able fine pore filter

4) IMS water diversion network

Use Rul

In order to keep it consistent, we used four identical Philharmonic pressures and tested them with the same brewing method and coffee beans. The coffee bean we chose is Columbia Finca Caiones. This kind of bean has a fresh taste and a good sense of balance, with the characteristics of green malic acid and dried fruit flavor.

Then, we put different filtering tools into the filter paper holder and press them.

Cooking formula

12 grams of coffee powder, the grinding degree is controlled between hand pulping and Italian concentration.

45 seconds of steaming time, using 75g, 88 ℃ of water

After 45 seconds of soaking, the water was 85 ℃.

Finally, a total of 200g of water was added.

Total duration of pressing: 1 minute 30 seconds

Test result

Filter paper: some flavor is lost. In addition, the acidity and concentration are not enough.

Able coarse porous filter: there is enough concentration, but the acidity is not very obvious.

Able Fine pore filter: delicious fruit aroma and strong acidity. There is also a sufficient concentration but weaker than the coarse porous strainer, with fruity aromas and moderate acidity.

IMS Water Distribution Network: it has a sweet taste and a strong sour taste. Its concentration is similar to that of using fine pore filter, but it has more fruit flavor and sweetness than fine pore filter. It shows that the IMS water distribution network can make more fruity aromas emerge in the coffee.


1. With sweet and sour taste and round taste are IMS water distribution net and Able fine pore filter.

two。 The obvious sweetness is the IMS Water Distribution Network.

3. If you like strong but do not like fruit flavor, you can choose Able coarse porous filter

4. If you don't like metal filter or grease, we recommend using filter paper to filter. Metal filter can extract more coffee oil.

The above tests are for reference only!

Although this test compares the filtering tools of Philharmonic pressure, it does not show which filtering tool is better for coffee. After all, people's taste is not limited. Friends who like to play music pressure can also try to compare with different beans or other methods, and there may be more unexpected gains.