Coffee review

The first disposable "mobile coffee machine" can be brewed while walking

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, When you're out, you suddenly have a coffee addiction and want to have a cup of pure English coffee. What should I do? You certainly can't carry a coffee machine out the door (Starbucks, please!), The only thing that can save you at this point is Grower's Cup, the world's first disposable "mobile coffee maker."

The Grower's Cup doesn't look like a machine at all. It's more like a mobile coffee bag. It works like tea-hot water is poured into a coffee bag, and after a while, the water temperature and coffee powder mix well. Then it flows through a special filter into the cup and is ready to drink.

Ulrik Rasmussen, the designer of this disposable coffee maker, comes from Denmark and his design inspiration comes from tea bags. Ulrik spent nine years developing the product, which was sold out as soon as it launched in the UK. Ulrik says Grower's Cup will revolutionize the way people drink coffee.

Ulrik, a 46-year-old from Denmark, said of his creative origins: "It all started one morning when I was about to make a cup of coffee and found that the filter in the coffee machine had run out. I would love to have a cup of coffee right away, but I'm annoyed because it's so hard to brew a good cup of coffee. When I closed the kitchen door, I found some tea bags, which inspired me-why not make coffee like tea? I cut open some tea bags and poured coffee powder into them, and I felt that this idea was feasible, so I started to study it more deeply."

Ulrik's approach is simple--combine filters and French press coffee in a single solution that feels like tea. Ulrik took nine years to develop Grower's Cup.

Each Grower's Cup bag costs between $1.70 and $2.50 and has 12 different varieties to choose from. Each bag contains 18 grams of coffee powder, and 300ml of hot water can make two cups of coffee. Now, those fussy coffee lovers can finally find their home.