Coffee review

Have you seen the vacuum extraction method of the most perfect coffee machine developed by BKON?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, People who like coffee must be very familiar with the word "extraction". Extraction is a very important part of getting a cup of delicious coffee, and many enthusiasts or coffee maker manufacturers are trying to optimize the process to make the coffee more delicious.

Tools like VST/MojoToGo abound, and the SCAA American Special Coffee Association has been pushing through the old and bringing forth the new, regardless of whether there are new similar tools in front of us. Recently, one of the most interesting examples of "extraction" technology has come to us: this automatic vacuum brewing machine called BKON brewer, which can play a very important role in the processing of high-end beverage foods.

BKON研发最完美咖啡机 真空萃取法你看过吗?

BKON is the latest product from Dean & Lou Vastardis, which insists on making professional equipment for high-end tea beverage companies such as Franke and Rishi. The vacuum beverage injection and extraction technology used in this BKON is not limited to tea. The company's innovative patent system enables vacuum extraction of any form of organic matter in a transparent extraction chamber.

All the extraction processes of this product are remotely controlled by connecting intelligent devices, including length, water consumption, number of cycles, container, water temperature, pressure, time and depth, etc., which can be controlled by the application. In the process of extraction, continuous water injection can be controlled within 60 to 90 seconds. After placing the teacup, different concentrations and tastes of tea can be brewed according to different water temperature. The same control technology applies to coffee, and some people have even tried to use BKON's vacuum extraction technology to experiment with oils and other liquids.

BKON研发最完美咖啡机 真空萃取法你看过吗?

Dean Vastardis's new product uses a technology called reverse air pressure injection, which maintains cell structure during beverage extraction, keeps the gas from flowing, and effectively mixes air and liquid. The company says the traditional method takes seven minutes to operate, while BKON takes only 90 seconds to fully extract the flavor and aroma.

Although the vacuum is used as an extreme way, the actual extraction process is not as powerful as expected and is very mild. BKON is not stirred by high pressure air or steam at high temperature, but by lowering the pressure and boiling at a natural low temperature. Testers brewed many types of tea through BKON, and the actual drink was very sweet and delicious, maintaining a very high standard. On BKON's website, there is a very appropriate animation to demonstrate the whole process.

At present, this new technology has received a lot of attention, and many companies and organizations have begun to carry out practical application. Including the New York Coffee Center and two Starbucks concept stores have shown strong interest. Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, tested the product in the showroom at the SCAA show in Seattle.

BKON研发最完美咖啡机 真空萃取法你看过吗?

The company introduces that the internal principle of BKON is complicated, and the whole machine is covered with probes used to detect temperature to ensure accurate control of water temperature. At the same time, the independent vacuum pump system can adjust the air pressure, while the ball valve spout can ensure that the whole equipment is in a complete vacuum.

BKON also designs different rotary filters for different coffees and teas, and there are different cleaning methods. The user can customize the drink type on the operation screen next to the device, and can also customize the operation according to the needs of the user. At the same time, these custom profiles can be uploaded to the cloud and shared by connecting to the network, and BKON users are free to exchange their beverage extracts.

BKON研发最完美咖啡机 真空萃取法你看过吗?

At present, the first batch of 100 BKON vacuum extraction brewing machines have been completed and have been sold since June this year, retailing for $13000 (about 81350 yuan) each. BKON has been named the best new product at this year's SCAA exhibition. Do friends who like tea and coffee really want to experience the coffee or tea extracted by this high-end equipment?