Coffee review

The most expensive modern version of the pull-rod coffee machine: Bolu Lian limited edition

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, In the history of the development of coffee utensils, the pull rod Espresso coffee machine is a milestone in the chemical era. It breaks through the production of various coffee utensils in the past, allowing high-pressure hot water to pass through coffee powder, emulsifying coffee oil and supersaturated into carbon dioxide bubbles to form Crema to get what we call Espresso coffee.

最昂贵的现代版拉杆式咖啡机:博露崧婉限量版(Blossom wbrOne wbrLimited)

In the history of the development of coffee utensils, the pull rod Espresso coffee machine is a milestone in the chemical era. It breaks through the production of various coffee utensils in the past, allowing high-pressure hot water to pass through coffee powder, emulsifying coffee oil and supersaturated into carbon dioxide bubbles to form Crema to get what we call Espresso coffee.

Due to the unstable pressure caused by the manual control of the pressure bar, the Espresso coffee machine with the electric control board appeared later, so the manufacturers competed to launch their own housekeeping products. However, at the end of the last century and the beginning of this century, it was found that the pressure of the high-temperature and high-pressure Espresso coffee machine in the latter part of the extraction period of about 30 seconds was too high, and it was easy to extract miscellaneous odors and flavors that we did not like very much. if we increase the pre-soaking time in the former stage, or if we change the pressure in the extraction process according to the characteristics of beans or the understanding of the makers, it will help to make Espresso with richer export feeling and better taste. As a result, super pressure swing extraction Espresso coffee machines such as Slayer, Synesso and Strada have become popular. No matter in Europe, America or Australia, boutique coffee personality shops all take pressure swing extraction Espresso coffee machine as the treasure of the town shop. Of course, modern production technology also makes the appearance of this machine more shocking and eye-catching, and they must be seen in various large-scale coffee exhibitions. Perhaps it is under this premise that the "most expensive modern pull rod coffee machine Polo Songwan limited edition Espresso coffee machine (Blossom One Limited)" to be introduced today: since it is a variable pressure, why not return to the original manual pull rod extraction method? It is thirty years east of the river and thirty years west of the river. Many things in the world are the same, and people's understanding is often the same: after a long circle, to some extent, it is back to the original point.

Designed by former employees such as NASA,Apple and Tesla and produced by Blossom Coffee, the machine is said to not only ensure the excellent quality of every cup of coffee made by coffee lovers, but also make you look good. No matter where you install it. What's the price? US$11111 dollars, please note, this does not include the barista's fee.

It is worth noting that the Blossom One limited edition coffee machine has a "cloud integration" function, which combines Wi-Fi with a 1.3 MP camera, which allows users to download and share coffee making methods, while remotely monitoring the working status of the coffee machine. Coffee roasters can specify a special menu for users to print into QR (two-dimensional) code for customers to scan, so as to ensure that customers make the most delicious coffee.

The modular design of the machine is easy to maintain and is suitable for any standard E61 handle filter bowl (Portafilter basket); it also has a mute compartment to eliminate the working noise of an ordinary small coffee maker.

According to Blossom Coffee Coffee, potential users of the machine are targeted at cafes, hotels and generous coffee lovers, with limited production and are made of mahogany, special mahogany, African Sapielwood, teak or zebra wood (mahogany, walnut, sapele, teak or zebra-wood). In addition, the company will also consider the user's kitchen style to make the machine consistent with the kitchen style as a whole.

The company is now accepting product orders for delivery in the first quarter of next year (2013).


The whole process of making coffee is completely controllable, including temperature, pressure, extraction quantity and extraction time.

The coffee compartment made of glass and stainless steel has a heating power of 500 watts

Camera with 1.3MP for QR code scanning

Suitable for any standard E61 handle filter bowl

The water tank is silently replenished by linear pipe pressure and flows into the coffee boiler by gravity.

Manual handle allows users to control the pressure of making coffee at will.

Each module can be removed with common manual tools.

[postscript] although this machine is modern, stylish and expensive, we can seem to think of it as the latest modern version of the pull-rod coffee machine.