Coffee review

What should be paid attention to in order to maintain the best performance of the distillation machine of the semi-automatic San Marco 85E coffee machine?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In order to keep the distillation machine of the semi-automatic San Marco 85E coffee machine in the best condition and achieve the best performance, the supply unit must be cleaned according to the following cleaning steps at the end of each day:

In order to keep the distillation machine of the semi-automatic San Marco 85E coffee machine in the best condition and achieve the best performance, the supply unit must be cleaned according to the following cleaning steps at the end of each day:

one。 Install the closed filter on the filter bracket, which is usually provided with the coffee maker.

two。 Install the filter bracket with the closed filter on the supply unit to be cleaned, of course, do not fix the bracket so that the water can flow out from the side, and then press the continuous supply button to let the water flow for about a minute. In this way, the nozzles and aqueducts on the unit can be cleaned.

three。 Fix the bracket to the supply unit so that the water cannot flow out from the side, then manually operate the unit for about 5 seconds, then close the unit and repeat the operation for 5 to 6 times to clean the solenoid valve and drain pipe on the unit.

"figure 1 Cleaner"

For the important information about the daily operation and maintenance of the semi-automatic San Marco 85E coffee machine, the author simply shares the above three points with you, hoping that users can better apply it so as to better help you maintain and prolong the service life of the coffee machine.


"San Marco semi-automatic 85e Coffee Machine"