Coffee review

The structure from the outside to the inside of coffee beans-an introduction to the cultural process of coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, After a few months will begin to bear fruit, coffee fruit is a drupe, initially green, then gradually yellow, ripe and red, very similar to cherries, so it is called coffee cherry (Coffee Cherry), can be harvested at this time. The harvest season is fruitful, very happy ~ peel off the coffee fruit and take out the nuts inside, which is the raw material for us to make coffee. Pass this.

After a few months will begin to bear fruit, coffee fruit is a drupe, initially green, then gradually yellow, ripe and red, very similar to cherries, so it is called coffee cherry (Coffee Cherry), can be harvested at this time.

The harvest season is fruitful, very happy ~ peel off the coffee fruit and take out the nuts inside, which is the raw material for us to make coffee.

This process will generally use the sun or water washing method, and after a certain degree of fermentation treatment to get a sweet and sour rich taste.

Coffee and raw beans in the sun

Coffee and raw beans in the sun

Solarization method

Washing method

The sun drying method and the water washing method have their own advantages, and the taste of the processed coffee beans is also different. In recent years, after improvement and development, a new treatment method has been developed-half-sun and half-water washing, also known as honey treatment. Honey-treated coffee beans are more sweet and charming, but the method is more complex and the degree of fermentation is not easy to control.

Baked beans

Baked beans

The processed raw beans will be preserved in the form of shell beans, and the water content is about 12%. Before baking, the endocarp and silver skin will be removed, the coffee raw beans of the right size will be selected, and sundries and defective beans will be picked out, so that the good coffee beans with good export feeling can be baked.

Next comes the most important coffee roasting! The roasting time of coffee beans is relatively short, usually at 8 Mel for 16 minutes. In the roasting process, after a series of complex chemical changes, the color and size of coffee beans are very different from raw beans, and will emit an attractive aroma.

I've smelled coffee. How can I get coffee? First of all, grind the roasted coffee into coffee powder; then, you need some coffee brewing tools, such as siphon pot, hand brewing kit or Italian coffee machine, after extraction, you can drink a cup of coffee full of fragrance and happiness.

After the coffee journey of "from seed to cup", I believe everyone feels that a coffee bean is hard to come by, so please cherish every good cup of coffee!