Coffee review

Introduction to the taste characteristics of Yunnan coffee bean flavor description treatment method of coffee grade iron card

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yunnan Tieka Coffee later went to the village of Zhang Bao's younger brother in another high mountain. Several hills nearby are coffee gardens in their village, but at present there are only two mu of old varieties in the village. Fortunately, this family still looks very healthy because of its good management. And it is still in the harvest period. I saw the ripe red fruit of coffee. After discussing with the owner, he decided to buy back 10 kilograms of raw beans and taste them.

Yunnan Tieka Coffee

Later, I went to the village of Zhang Bao's younger brother in another mountain. Several hills nearby are coffee gardens in their village, but at present there are only two mu of old varieties in the village. Fortunately, this family still looks very healthy because of its good management, and it is still in the harvest period. I saw the ripe red fruit of coffee. After discussing with the owner, we decided to buy back 10 kilograms of raw beans and taste them. The fruits just picked at the end of last year are still preserved in the warehouse in the form of shell beans. The next morning we shelled and processed together. After shelling, there were 18.5 kilograms of raw beans of different sizes. There were many broken beans, adzuki beans and bad beans. After drying, there were still many defective beans, so we chose them by hand on the spot. By the time the final selection was made, there were still 9 kilograms of qualified ones left-and by this time most of the morning had already passed.

Of course, if it is used to make instant coffee or general commercial beans, high-yield catimor is a good choice, but if you want to look for Yunnan specialty coffee, then the old variety of iron pickup has become the first choice because of its congenital excellent genes. Therefore, this trip to Yunnan also followed the trail of the old varieties. But the reality is really cruel. Before going, Brother Zou told me that there was an old variety in his relative's house, but what he saw excitedly was a wild growing coffee forest, which belonged to his aunt. Because his aunt was too old and did not have the strength to replant and renovate-- these old varieties survived, but the aunt was unable to manage it alone, so the tree was allowed to grow naturally. Pick some fruit when it is ripe, so when Nestl é succeeded in promoting high-yield new varieties in Pu'er in the 1990s, brown farmers in Baoshan also cut down the old varieties and changed them to new ones. With a round of coffee expansion, the new varieties are increasing day by day, and the old varieties are decreasing day by day, finally to today's situation: the old varieties are almost cut down, and the little ones that survive are all "old, weak, sick and disabled". Most of the trees are more than 20 years old, they are out of control, and their yield and quality are much lower than before.

For coffee lovers, fine coffee really opens a window that is very different from traditional coffee. As the author Taguchi said in this article, the concept of fine coffee comes from the statutory production area system (AOC) in which wine has been practiced for many years. High-grade M3 wine comes from carefully planted grapes and carefully cultivated grapes. The same is true of fine coffee, such as microclimate, altitude, soil, drainage and even shelter in the planting area. We all see the growth and results of coffee. How can coffee peaches be harvested when they enter the harvest season? Is it manual collection or machine collection? What kind of treatment will be used after collection? Do you want to stick to the flesh or not? How long does it take to ferment? Every environment examines the owners of coffee bars, and these Know How are also important to why these coffees are considered high-quality products, and they must have something to do with their high quality, and these are all things that Taiwanese coffee growers who are on fire need to understand.

Taguchi is worthy of the reputation of the Japanese coffee industry. the explanation of this product, the planting environment, and the type of baking of various processing methods are even more in-depth and have a higher reference value than the last Coffee Collection. I personally think that the most popular part of coffee lovers is the part of roasted coffee. This process of converting raw coffee beans into cooked beans is the process that we are most deeply involved in, and it is also the most important environment for coffee to show its most delicious taste.