Coffee review

The right way to drink a coffee cup

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, How to drink coffee cup the right way to balance is the basis of good health, under normal circumstances, water intake and excretion is about the same. The daily drainage of human body through urine is about 1500ml, followed by lung exhalation about 350ml, skin evaporation and perspiration about 500ml, fecal 150ml, the total amount is about 2500ml. Since the intake and discharge of water should be equal, under normal circumstances (in

How to drink coffee the right way

Balance is the basis of good health. Under normal circumstances, water intake and output are about equal. The human body discharges about 1500ml of urine per day; followed by lung exhalation about 350ml; evaporation and perspiration through the skin about 500ml; feces 150ml, totaling about 2500ml. Since the intake and discharge of water should be equal, in general (adults who work lightly at room temperature) need 2500mL of water per day, excluding 1000ml of water obtained from food, the human body produces 300ml of water, and each person needs at least 1200ml of water per day. If the cup capacity is 200ml, it is equivalent to about 6 cups.

Note: The 6 cups of water we say here are only the minimum amount of water. The water demand of the human body often increases with the increase of physical activity, temperature change, sweat amount, etc. The water demand per person can vary from 2 L to 16L. After entering the summer, the amount of perspiration increased significantly, and special attention should be paid to the increase in drinking water. In winter, you can reduce your drinking water.

The color of the coffee is amber and very clear. Therefore, in order to show the characteristics of coffee, it is best to use a white coffee cup. Some ignore this problem in the production, in the coffee cup on the inside of a variety of colors, and even describe the complex fine pattern of the practice, often make it difficult for us to distinguish the coffee brewing completed by the color of the coffee The third is the mug without the chassis and the French milk coffee cup about 300 ml cup. Of course, in order to brew some beautiful and beautiful fancy coffee, various glass goblets, beer glasses, etc. will also be used. But not in the purebred coffee cup. The second is a general coffee cup with a capacity of less than 200 ml, containing coffee between 150-180 ml; the first is a small coffee cup with a capacity of less than 100 ml, containing coffee between 50-70 ml; Coffee cups generally have two kinds of pottery cups and porcelain cups. In recent years, under the concept that coffee must be drunk hot and hot, the cup makers even match this kind of exquisite pottery cup with heat preservation effect, even better than porcelain cups. Bone porcelain cups containing animal ashes in this texture can make coffee temperature decrease slowly in the cup. But because its price is much more expensive than the first two, so the general family is rarely used, only in the more elegant cafes to see most people often can not correctly distinguish between coffee cups and red tea cups. Usually red tea cup in order to make the aroma of black tea can spread out, and convenient to appreciate the color of black tea, so the cup bottom is shallow, the cup mouth is wider, the light transmission is also higher, and the coffee cup is narrower, the material is thicker, and the light transmission is low. Drinking coffee is the same as drinking water, which is a matter of course. But for a good cup of coffee, in addition to careful roasting and delicate operation skills, coffee cups also play an extremely important role. Let me give you a deeper understanding of coffee cups.