Coffee review

The difference between mechanical picking and manual picking of coffee beans-the difference between cocoa beans and coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The difference between mechanical picking and manual picking of coffee beans-the biggest advantage of manual picking is that the picking process is more fine, which can reduce some losses in the picking process. First, pickers can pick and screen at the same time and discard green and rotten fruits. Second, the picking basket is relatively small and easy to carry, and the grapes squeeze each other so that they are relatively broken.

The difference between mechanical picking and manual picking of coffee beans-the difference between cocoa beans and coffee beans

The biggest advantage of manual picking is that the picking process is relatively fine, which can reduce some losses in the picking process.

First, pickers can pick and screen at the same time and discard green and rotten fruits.

Second, the picking basket is relatively small and easy to carry, and the strength of the grapes squeezing each other is small, so the breaking is relatively less.

In other words, manual picking can reduce the possibility of early crushing and fermentation of grapes, ensure higher quality of grapes, and reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide (antiseptic). In addition, under the same brewing conditions, the grapes picked by hand are less likely to be contaminated by bacteria, so the wine has rich aroma and excellent tannins.

Judging from the impact mentioned above, to some extent, manual picking is better than machine picking, and the quality of grapes and wine is higher. But does machine picking necessarily mean that grapes and wines are of low quality? Not necessarily. If the winery or winery strictly selects the grape raw materials after entering the factory, the quality of the raw materials can also be guaranteed. With the development of science and technology, the most advanced picking machine has been closer to the level of manual picking, and in terms of efficiency, it is much better than manual picking. Manual picking is not as efficient as 1/10 of machine picking. If the weather changes during the picking process, the unpicked grapes will be caught in the rain, not only the harvest will be reduced, but also the possibility of mildew. But the machine will not pick, it can not be afraid of wind and rain, and can even take advantage of the low temperature at night to pick ripe grapes to avoid the high temperature after dawn.

The washing method is also called wet treatment: after the outer pulp of the coffee fruit is removed by the pulp separator within 12 hours after the coffee is picked, the coffee beans are soaked in a large cement tank filled with water to separate the fruit. The coffee beans are then pasted in the fermentation box for about 12-36 hours, containing 15% water after fermentation, and the fermented coffee beans are washed clean with clean water. The coffee beans are dried in a dryer or dried in the sun, and the coffee beans are called "parchment coffee beans", waiting for export.

Fresh fruit-soak soft-remove exocarp-ferment the coffee fruit with pulp in the fermentation tank-rinse the pulp gum with water-dry the coffee fruit with endocarp-remove the endocarp with a peeling machine-polish the seed coat-coffee raw beans

Advantages: coffee beans have stable quality, beautiful color and less impurities

Disadvantages: the processing cost is too high and requires a lot of water.

Note: generally used for higher quality Arabica coffee beans, such as Blue Mountains, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, etc.