Coffee review

Price roasting of boutique coffee beans Arica aricha sun-tanned Yega Chevy coffee taste

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Price roasting of boutique coffee beans Aruicha aricha Solar Yega Chevy Coffee [Product name] Ethiopia Yega Sheffield Aretha G1 EthiopiaYirgacheffe Aricha G1 Natural [country] Ethiopia [production area] Aretha Aricha [graded] Grade 1 [producer] Kebel Aricha treatment Plant [treatment] Solar treatment / Natural [

Price roasting of boutique coffee beans Arica aricha sun-tanned Yega Chevy coffee taste

Ethiopia Yega Xuefei Aretha G1

EthiopiaYirgacheffe Aricha G1 Natural


[producing area] Aretha Aricha

[grading] Grade 1

[producer] Kebel Aricha processing plant

[treatment] Solar treatment / Natural

Local traditional variety (Heirloom)

[altitude] 1900 to 2100 meters

[harvest time] October to January of the following year

[flavor] Apricot, jasmine, apricot, red wine, mango, pineapple, citrus, blueberry, with honey and brown sugar sweetness, a long finish with a hint of cardamom and cocoa.

Sun-treated Yega Xuefei Aretha G1, with the aroma of apricot and jasmine, with the flavor of apricot, red wine, mango and pineapple, with the sweetness of honey and brown sugar, long-lasting finish with a touch of cardamom and cocoa, the coffee brings out a very lively and bright citrus, blueberry acidity is very soft and attractive, as if the whole body is soaked in the sea in early autumn, slapped by the warm and cool sea Full of impact and stretching tenderness.

In order to highlight the more obvious flavor and lively acidity of the whole bean, this sun Yega Chuefei Aretha G1 uses light baking to bake the beans at the end of an explosion. However, the editor personally prefers the flavor of dense beans, and the acidity is stronger, but baking to the end of the explosion will make the flavor of the whole bean more complete, sweetness and finish rhyme more beautiful, for the sake of overall balance. I really have to sacrifice a little bit of acidity.

Yega Xuefei's grading system is not based on the number of eyes, but on the proportion of defective beans in the total number of raw beans. Commonly seen are wash G2 and sun G3 Yega Chuefei, G1 is the highest grade, Yega Xuefei, which has the lowest defect rate and the best quality, is selected by hand before it can be rated as Grade 1 from Aricha Kebele in the small town of Yirgacheffe. Local coffee farmers send fully ripe coffee cherries picked from the native forest to the local processing plant. The processing plant puts the coffee cherries whose flesh and peel are completely preserved in the elevated shed for sun treatment, which is precisely this kind of greenhouse drying method which invests in high-intensity human labor, isolates contact with the ground and prevents the smell of soil in the process of sun exposure. Create an unusually clean fruit flavor. After more than two weeks of sun exposure, the dark brown coffee fruit is stored professionally, waiting for the whole flavor to ripen.