Coffee review

Comparison Table of extraction method and Grinding coefficient-- introduction of Italian Machine for Coffee extraction apparatus

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Comparison table of extraction method and grinding coefficient-Coffee extraction apparatus Italian machine to introduce the appropriate grinding degree is very important, in the case of other variables constant, the scale will determine the speed of Espresso outflow, often we also adjust the scale to adjust the flow rate of different formulations of Italian coffee beans. Why is the Italian bean grinder so important? Because of the amount of powder, extraction time, pressure

Comparison Table of extraction method and Grinding coefficient-- introduction of Italian Machine for Coffee extraction apparatus

The appropriate grinding degree is very important, when other variables remain the same, the scale will determine the speed of Espresso outflow, often we also adjust the scale to adjust the flow rate of different recipes of Italian coffee beans. Why is the Italian bean grinder so important? Because the amount of powder, extraction time and pressure are generally fixed, we can achieve the required flow rate by adjusting the grinding scale, and then slowly fine-tune other variables to find the taste we like. Single bean grinder, ordinary hand bean grinder, because the adjustment range of one scale is too large to meet the requirements of fine adjustment, so it is not suitable for making espresso, or even can not make espresso as mentioned above, the amount of powder must be weighed in the powder bowl to be accurate, as shown in the following picture. If your powder caking is serious, be sure to stir it and use a toothpick. Severe caking, coupled with poor powder pressing behind, is likely to lead to a channel. The so-called channel, to put it simply, is that in the process of extraction, pressed powder has one or N small holes or cracks, at this time, high-pressure water will flow down the channel quickly, and other parts of pressed powder are not fully extracted. it eventually leads to over-extraction in part of the channel and insufficient extraction in other places. If you observe through the bottomless handle, you may find that the flow rate is very fast, the color becomes lighter quickly, and there are some phenomena such as spraying. Prepare the electronic scale and timer before extraction. Why do you need an electronic scale when you have a measuring cup? Because the thickness of oil extracted from beans with different formulations and different freshness is different, so the measuring cup is not accurate. We should accurately calculate the concentration and extraction rate, and try to be accurate in every step, otherwise the final data error is too big to have guiding significance.

Now let's start the calculation part:

Suppose my powder is 19 grams, the weight of espresso is 37.8 grams, and the concentration is 10.8 percent.

Extraction rate = (10.8%-37.8) / 19.1%-21.5%

Final result: the concentration is 10.8%, the extraction rate is 21.5%, within the range of gold cup.

In the golden cup range, does not mean that this cup of coffee tastes good, this can only give us a guide, at least this cup of coffee will not be too bad, through fine-tuning, you can find your own favorite flavor.

In this article, although some aids are used in the extraction of espresso, it still does not reach the most rigorous state. Want to extract a cup of good concentration, is not a very simple task, so repeat the above words, beginners do not rush to get Italian coffee machine and bean grinder, otherwise, you are likely to extract a drink that is worse than traditional Chinese medicine