Coffee review

The difference between HARIO coffee filter paper 01 and 02-how to fold coffee filter paper

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The difference between HARIO Coffee filter Paper 01 and 02-how to fold Coffee filter Paper step 1: CHEMEX coffee pot, single hole filter paper, hand brewer, coffee beans, grinder coffee cup, flower jar. Step 2: install the filter paper and wet it with hot water to remove the odor and warm the kettle. Step 3: adjust the bean grinder and choose the appropriate medium and coarse grinding scale according to the water temperature and bean properties.

HARIO coffee filter paper 01 and 02 difference-coffee filter paper use method how to fold

The first step: CHEMEX coffee pot, single-hole filter paper, hand-made pot, coffee beans, coffee grinder cup, pull flower jar.

Step 2: Install the filter paper and wet it with hot water to remove the paper odor and warm the pot.

Step 3: Adjust the grinder, select the appropriate medium and coarse grinding scale, according to the water temperature and bean nature.

Step 4: Add powder and pat gently to reduce the gap between powder and powder.

Step 5: inject hot water into the midpoint, and expand the "circle"-shaped trajectory, time, steam.

Step 6: The water column is about 3CM away from the powder surface. Control the water flow at a constant speed. Do not mix air.

The seventh step: one-time injection, can be segmented water injection.

Step 8: Clean filter paper and coffee grounds.

Step 9: A delicious cup of hand-brewed coffee is complete.

Temperature and extraction:

Water and powder:

Conclusion: The success of hand-brewed coffee depends on "steaming","steaming" and there is no strict definition. Let a small amount of hot water penetrate all the coffee powder, let it stand for a while to form a filter layer, let the hot water pass through the coffee powder, because when the hot water passes through the powder, the porous coffee powder will expand and become a state of steam cooking, and form a thick filter layer. The emphasis of extraction is on averaging, and making a filter layer is an indispensable basic step, which is generally referred to as "steaming."