Coffee review

Coffee machine can not get water to show what is the reason for coffee water press.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The lack of water from the coffee machine shows why coffee water press cuts the coffee beans into very fine particles. C CafCrme: an Italian coffee drink that is brewed in a manner similar to that of ordinary Italian coffee. The effluent speed of Italian coffee is 1.5 ounces in 25 seconds (3 ounces in 25 seconds when doubled), while the effluent speed of cafcrme is 25 seconds higher.

Coffee machine can not get water to show what is the reason for coffee water press.

Cut the coffee beans into very fine particles.

Letter C

Caf è Cr è me: an Italian coffee drink that is brewed in a manner similar to that of ordinary Italian coffee.

Italian coffee comes out at a rate of 1.5 ounces in 25 seconds (3 ounces in 25 seconds when doubled), while cafes crè me has a higher speed-5 ounces or more in 25 seconds. By changing the grinding fineness, more water can flow through the coffee powder into the cup. In a load-free state, a normally functioning Italian coffee machine pump can pump 2.5 to 3 ounces of liquid in 10 seconds. Changing the fineness of grinding means changing the flow rate of the drink.

Caffe Latte | Caf è latte (latte): a drink based on espresso (or mocha coffee) with milk steam added. It is very popular in America. Lattes are also the base of many other drinks, such as flavored lattes with flavored syrup. Traditionally, the top of a latte should be covered with milk foam.

Caffe Mocha | Mocha (mocha): similar to lattes, mochas add chocolate syrup or powder to their drinks, which creates a combination of coffee and chocolate. Sometimes used chocolates are not recommended because condiments work better and the sugars in chocolate milk crystallize on the steam rod-it is difficult to remove them. The top of the mocha is usually covered with cream.

Cappuccino (cappuccino): contains three drinks: 1/3 espresso (single or double), 1/3 vaporized milk and 1/3 milk foam. The traditional cappuccino is a 4.5-ounce drink in a 5-ounce cappuccino cup. The double is 8 or 9 ounces, and all ingredients, including milk, espresso and milk bubbles, are double. It can be covered with cinnamon or other seasonings or chocolate powder.

CC: many Italian coffee machines are made in Europe, and the capacity of the boiler is usually expressed in the unit of cc, equivalent to milliliters or 1/1000 liters. The 100cc is 3.38US liquid ounces.

Coda di topo: the Italian word for "rat tail" is used to describe the shape of espresso as it flows out of the handle outlet while brewing.

Coffee Bed (coffee cake): see Coffee Pack (coffee cake).

Coffee Pack (Coffee Cake): a term used to describe the shape of coffee powder that is filled in a filter basket by espresso before brewing.