Coffee review

Summer flavor characteristics of sun green roses in Panamanian jadeite manor taste of sun rose summer green standard coffee varieties

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Description of the flavor of sunny rose summer green standard coffee the raw bean of Rosa coffee has a very beautiful blue-green, jade-like warm texture, which smells of fresh grass, peach, berry and the unique milky sweetness of oolong tea that most coffee beans do not have. it seems that the aroma and taste of this kind of things need to be associated with each other, but the light smell of tea is

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The Emerald Manor on the front street coffee shelves washed green standard Rosa coffee beans conquered one coffee glutton after another with the aroma of jasmine and ginger. The charming floral characteristics of Panamanian Rosa coffee are reflected incisively and vividly in the washed green standard Rosa coffee beans. This time, the sunny green rose summer coffee beans on the shelves have a full taste and the aroma of passion fruit.

Front Street Coffee-Panamanian Emerald Manor Sun Green Rose Summer Coffee beans

Producing area: Pokuit Boquete, Panama

Manor: Jade Manor La Esmeralda Estate

Altitude: 1600-1800m

Variety: rose summer Geisha

Treatment method: sun treatment Natural

Production season: 2020

Jadeite Manor

La Esmeralda Estate

Emerald Manor is located in Pocket. In 1964, American banker Rudolph Peterson retired, moved to Panama, and bought the Emerald Manor in Pokuit, initially dominated by dairy industry. Later, his son Price resigned as a doctor to help his father run the farm.

And introduced Kaddura and Kaduai coffee beans in 1987, set up a washing plant in 1994, and has had its own coffee processing plant since then. In 1996, Haramiyo Manor, which has a superior geographical environment and good flavor of the original coffee varieties, was bought and incorporated into the Jadeite Manor.

Private Collection / Green label

Private Collection

Private collection, commonly known as green standard, is not a batch of independent competitions, planting rose summer varieties that do not participate in bidding but are still of excellent quality. The green standard rose summer coffee beans were planted at an altitude of 1600-1800m and were produced from different plots such as Jaramillo and Canas Verdes.

The annual rainfall of Jaramillo is 4000ml, the average temperature in daytime is 19-25 ℃, the average temperature at night is 11-15 ℃, and the average altitude is 1600-1700m. The Haramiyo site is subdivided into five small plots: Mario (Mario), Noria (Ferris wheel), Reina (queen), Bosque (forest) and Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires).

The annual rainfall of Canas Verdes is 3500ml, the average temperature in daytime is 16-23 ℃, the average temperature at night is 10-15 ℃, and the average altitude is 1600-1800m. Cannes consists of nine small plots: Lino (flax), Coronado (coronation), Fundador (founder), Le ó n (Leon), Montaa (peak), Trapiche (sugar), Chinta (urn), Cabaa (cabin) and Tumaco (Tumako).

Will the green mark of mixed plots be worse than the red roses of a single plot?


In simple terms, the front street of "micro-batch coffee beans" means that among a batch of beans that have already performed well, the beans with the best performance are further selected. Because the mode of mixed beans is adopted, it is not specified in detail on the parcel. So sometimes the flavor similarity between the green mark and the red mark is very high, but the next production may be different. If you choose the best of the best coffee beans, the output is usually not too much.

Sun treatment


After the sun treatment of coffee beans in the Emerald Manor of Panama, the harvested coffee fruit will be sent directly to the courtyard to dry. The coffee fruit dries slowly, the coffee beans are still inside, and the coffee beans are full of fruit and aroma. Coffee fruit will be evenly dried. Depending on the weather and the composition of the venue, the coffee will dry on the concrete platform for 3 to 5 days (8 hours a day). When it is dry enough, rotate it in a Guardiola dryer for 72 hours to complete the drying process and prevent fermentation. After the drying is finished, use the machine to remove the pulp and other parts.

Analysis of raw beans of Qianjie coffee

Qianjie Coffee received the sun-treated green standard Rosa coffee beans and noticed that the coffee raw beans were slender and yellowish, with a hint of grass and the sweetness of ripe coffee fruits. The moisture content of beans in the new season is relatively high, so Qianjie bakers will prolong the dehydration time so that the bean surface and core are heated evenly. In order to show the sweetness, acidity and flower-fruit aroma of this bean, Qianjie coffee is roasted in a medium-light degree.

Qianjie Coffee Baking record

Furnace temperature 180 ℃ into the pot, firepower 130, throttle open 3; temperature recovery point 1: 39: 32 ", furnace temperature 130 ℃ when the throttle is opened to 4, firepower remains unchanged; when the furnace temperature is 151.6 ℃, the bean meter turns yellow, the smell of grass disappears completely, and enters the dehydration stage.

The smell of toasted bread has obviously changed to the smell of coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, it is necessary to listen carefully to the sound of a burst point. C to 8 times 39 leaves 30 "starts to explode, the throttle opens to 5, and after an explosion, the development of 1 million bread 39 leaves 28192 ℃ into the pot.

Coffee cup test report on Qianjie

Experience of brewing coffee in Qianjie

Panamanian rose summer coffee bean is a very extraction-resistant coffee bean, in order to avoid the smell of extracted wood fiber when brewing, the front street recommends using the particle size between fine grinding and medium coarse grinding when brewing this Panamanian jadeite estate green standard coffee bean, that is, the pass rate of Chinese standard No. 20 sieve is 76%.

Previously, it was written in the front street that when cooking jadeite manor rose summer coffee beans, the powder-water ratio at 1:16 was used to open the flavor and better reflect the rich flower and fruit aroma of jadeite manor rose summer coffee beans. However, this green coffee bean in the sun uses a powder-to-water ratio of 1:15 to give the bean a full sense of juice.

Qianjie coffee brewing parameters

Filter cup: V60 # 01

Powder content: 15g

Ratio of powder to water: 1:16

Degree of grinding: BG6s (76% pass rate of No. 20 screen)

Water temperature: 90 °C

Qianjie coffee staged extraction: first of all, the powder layer was fully wetted with 30g water in the shape of "hamburger" and steamed for 30s; the second stage was injected with water to 125g at 1: 00 ", then stopped and the water level dropped to 2 / 3 of the powder layer into the third stage; in the third stage, the water was injected into 225g at the time of timer 1", and the total extraction time was 225g "when the coffee liquid was completely dripped. Shake the coffee gently after the extraction, and then taste it after the coffee liquid is fully uniform.

Brewing flavor: bright citric acid and jasmine aromas in the mouth, followed by aromas of passion fruit and strawberry juice, and finally a honey-sweet finish. The coffee is full and smooth.

For more boutique coffee beans, please add private Qianjie coffee on Wechat. WeChat account: kaixinguoguo0925