Coffee review

Description of altitude and taste and flavor of coffee introduction of grinding scale variety producing area

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Description of altitude and taste of coffee, description of grinding scale, variety production area introduction Central American coffee is graded according to the altitude of coffee growth in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti and other countries according to the height of Strictly High Grown (extremely high mountain beans, referred to as SHG), followed by High Grown (mountain beans, referred to as HG) Mexico called Altura, in Spain

Altitude and taste of coffee Flavor Description Grind Scale Variety Introduction of producing area

Central American coffee is rated according to the altitude at which it is grown.

Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, etc. are graded by height

Strictly High Grown (SHG) followed by High Grown (HG)

Mexico is called Altura, which means high in Spanish, indicating that it is coffee grown at high altitudes; Papua New Guinea adds the name "Mile High" to indicate coffee beans grown in highland mountains

Another way, high mountain areas due to the cold climate coffee growth rate is slow, the density of green beans is higher, the texture is harder, the coffee is more mellow aroma, and there is a soft sour; on the contrary, lower areas, the density of green beans is smaller, the texture is less hard, the coffee quality is worse, so, some people grade by hardness.

Simply put, the higher the altitude at which coffee beans are grown, the better the taste. Coffee beans carefully cared for and grown at high altitudes are pleasant in acidity, rich in aroma and rich in taste, and everyone loves them. Conversely, coffee grown at low altitudes has almost no acidity, a single taste, and a flat taste. That's why baristas always emphasize altitude. If your barista tells you that your coffee is grown at an altitude of 5200 meters, it is definitely worth savoring. Elevation directly affects the appearance of the coffee bean. When you look closely at green coffee beans, you will notice that each coffee has a different size and density. Are the coffee beans in your hand small and dense? Is the gap in the middle of the bean tightly closed or open? Is the slit straight or curved? Is the color of the coffee bean close to jade, light green or blue? The appearance characteristics of the beans can directly reflect the growth altitude of coffee beans. The coffee beans with the best quality are usually firm in texture, and the growth altitude is usually above 4500 meters. These beans grow extremely slowly, so the density of the beans is high, and the gaps in the middle of the beans should be curved. In contrast, coffee beans grown at lower elevations tend to have a lower density and a slightly open gap in the middle. As for the color of the beans, the growing environment of coffee beans and the processing technology of green beans will affect the color of coffee beans. If the same coffee beans from the same plantation are treated differently, for example, one batch is washed with water and the other with honey, the two batches will have different colors. In general, bean density is the most powerful basis for judging the elevation of coffee beans