Coffee review

The technological process of coffee bean processing and roasting the production process mode of instant coffee processing

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee making process-Coffee processing plant process first, peeling: the peel and most of the pulp are removed by mechanical means. Second, fermentation third, drying fourth, roasting: raw coffee beans can release the special aroma of coffee through roasting. Each coffee bean contains its aroma, sour taste, sweetness and bitterness. How to release it incisively and vividly is to watch its roasting.

Coffee making process-Coffee processing Plant process

First, peeling: the peel and most of the pulp are removed mechanically.

Second, fermentation

Third, drying

Fourth, roasting: through roasting, raw coffee beans can release the special aroma of coffee. Each coffee bean contains its fragrance, sour taste, sweetness and bitterness. How to release it incisively and vividly depends on the heat of its baking. From the insipid raw beans to the endless aftertaste in the cup, roasting is the long journey of every coffee bean. The production process of coffee is a very important step in sketching character and nurturing fragrance. The production process of coffee comes from Please keep this link when reprinted. Coffee beans are about 10 or 20 minutes long (inversely proportional to the temperature) and the temperature is as high as more than 200 degrees Celsius. In the process of dialogue with the hot dish, coffee beans undergo many chemical changes, giving off a first explosion, a second explosion, a sound like popcorn, and loss of moisture. From raw beans, light and medium roasting to deep roasting, moisture is released again and again, the weight is reduced, but the volume expands and bulges, the color of coffee beans deepens, the fragrant oil is gradually released, and the texture becomes crisp. In raw beans, there is a lot of chloric acid, which disappears gradually with the baking process, releasing familiar and pleasant fruit acids, such as acetic acid, citric acid and malic acid in wine. Baking is just right to present these beautiful sour flavors in moderation.

From harvest to delivery

After the fruit is harvested, the skin and flesh must be removed. The endocarp and silver peel are removed to form coffee beans. There are two kinds of methods: drying (natural drying, non-washing) and washing.

Dry type, the operation is relatively simple, the harvested fruit will be spread on the dry ground and basked in the sun for a week or two. The sound of rattling can be heard when it is turned, which means it is dry. Then use the sheller to remove the pulp, endocarp and silver skin of the dried fruit.

This method gives coffee beans a soft sour taste and a mild bitter taste. This method is used in Brazil, Ethiopia, Yemen and other places. Disadvantages: vulnerable to weather, defective beans and foreign bodies are more likely to mix. Therefore, it is necessary to select it carefully before delivery.

In the washing type, the harvested fruit is poured into the sink, the floating matter is removed, the fruit in the water is moved to the pulp removal machine, the skin and pulp are removed, and then put back into the tank to remove the floating matter, the "core" in the water is poured into the fermentation tank, soaked for half a day or one day, the colloid on the surface of the fermented bean is removed, washed, dried or mechanically dried, and the endocarp is removed on the peeling machine to become commercial raw coffee beans.

The advantages of washing type: coffee beans have good luster, less foreign bodies, and slightly better sour taste. Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala and other countries have adopted this method. Coffee beans produced by washing account for almost 70% of the total output of coffee beans.

Sometimes poor treatment of fermentation time will produce fermentation odor and special sour taste; if handled well, it can form the personalized aroma of coffee beans.

At this time, the coffee beans can be sent to various places in sacks or in special containers across the sea.