Coffee review

Why are some coffee powders extracted quickly and some slowly?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why some coffee powder is extracted quickly and some is slow 1. The speed at which water passes through coffee powder is 2. The temperature of water is 3. How is the thickness and state of the powder 4. The depth of baking degree is 5. Length of baking time: fruit acid: aroma and flavor of fruit and flowers, refreshing taste in sweeter coffee beans, but obvious fermented sour smell in less sweet coffee beans

Why are some coffee powders extracted quickly and some slowly?

1. The speed at which water passes through coffee powder

two。 The temperature of water

3. What is the thickness and state of the powder?

4. Depth of baking degree

5. The length of baking time

Sour fruit: aroma and taste of fruit and flowers, refreshing taste in sweeter coffee beans, but obvious fermented sour smell in less sweet coffee beans, and they dissolve most quickly.

Dry distillation compounds: the so-called dry distillation compounds are those charred caramel and re-baked Rimena reaction post-reaction compounds become very obvious. In the less sweet coffee beans, they have cloves, tobacco, peat and heavy bitter, scorched taste, etc., in the sweeter coffee beans, there is bitter sweet honey, these compounds dissolve quite slowly, however, these compounds can be tasted even in very low concentrations, so in order to avoid these flavors, the extraction rate must be controlled within a certain range.

Mena reaction compounds: flavors and aromas of roasted grains, wood, nuts and tannins, sharp bitterness in less sweet coffee beans, while warm, round, malt aromas in sweeter coffee beans, they dissolve more slowly than fruit acids, but even the most underextracted coffee dissolves completely.

Insufficient extraction: whether the fruit acid smells rotten and fermented, while the Mena reaction compound has a sharp and obvious bitter taste.

Proper extraction: refreshing fruit acid, Mena reaction compound round and warm taste