Coffee review

Characteristics of coffee beans from three regions-Characteristics of coffee beans from Central and South America

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Characteristics of coffee beans from three regions-Characteristics of coffee beans from Central and South America Arabica Arabica beans, world-famous blue mountain coffee, mocha coffee, etc., almost all Arabica species. Appearance: bean shape smaller, positive was long oval, narrow and tortuous cracks in the middle, beans back arc shape more flat, consistent size, uniform color luster. Origin: Arabica coffee

Characteristics of coffee beans in three producing areas-characteristics of coffee beans in Central and South America

1. Arabica species

Arabica beans, world-famous Blue Mountain Coffee, Mocha Coffee and so on, are almost all Arabica species.

Shape: the shape of the bean is small, the front is long oval, the middle crack is narrow and tortuous, and the arc on the back of the bean is flat, uniform in size and shiny in color.

Origin: Arabica coffee is grown in Brazil, Colombia, Central America, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico and Ethiopia in South America. Coffee beans that are generally familiar to everyone, such as Santos in Brazil, Mantenin in Sumatra, Yemenmoka and the Blue Mountains in Jamaica, are all high-quality coffee beans grown in Arabica.

Climate requirements: Arabica coffee is difficult to grow. They prefer mild days and colder nights, need to be grown on sloping slopes at high altitudes, and thrive on highlands (600-1800 meters). And it requires special climatic conditions-areas with an average annual temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius and abundant rainfall without defrosting. Only more than 50 countries in the world have such conditions, all of which are about 160 kilometers north and south of the equator. Its harvesting must be carried out manually, which is more difficult.

Because the coffee beans grown in Arabica have excellent aroma and balanced taste, and the caffeine content is only about half of that of Robasta, the planting amount accounts for about 70% of the total coffee planting, and the price is relatively high.

Asian beans are mostly washed and semi-washed, so the particle size of raw beans is very uniform.

It is generally known that selected coffee beans are produced in Indonesia, Yemen, India, Vietnam and other countries in Asia. As mentioned earlier, coffee was grown on our land as early as the 19th century. So before introducing coffee from Asian countries, let's take you to know the coffee grown on our land!

Notes on Flavor characteristics of varieties and places

Sweet, sour, bitter and mellow

Blue Mountain Jamaica is strong and weak, the price is expensive, and the output is very small.

In Colombia, the output is large and the quality is high.

Sandoshi Brazil has the largest output in strong, medium and weak, smooth taste, and is suitable for matching base beans.

Mantenin Indonesia Sumatra weak strong personality flavor, widely welcomed

Mocha Ethiopia is strong, medium, weak, strong, delicate and diversified.

Java, Indonesia, Java, weak, weak and strong, suitable for matching.

Costa Rica strong, medium strong, high quality, classic coffee

Kona the Hawaiian Islands are strong and weak, but the output is small, the quality is high, and the price is high.