Coffee review

How to tell if coffee beans are moldy what it would be like if they were cooked with moldy raw coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to tell if coffee beans are moldy? what kind of washing would it be like to stir-fry moldy raw coffee beans: put the harvested fruit in a flowing sink, remove the floating fruit, and use a pulp remover to peel off the skin and flesh. Then put it in the sink to remove the emerging pulp. After that, it is moved into the fermentation tank, soaked for half a day to a day, and then the gum on the surface of the fermented coffee bean

How to tell if coffee beans are moldy what it would be like if they were cooked with moldy raw coffee beans?

Washing type:

Put the harvested fruit into a flowing tank, remove the floating fruit, and peel off the skin and flesh with a pulp remover. Then put it in the sink to remove the emerging pulp. After that, move into the fermentation tank, soak for half a day to a day, and then dissolve the gum on the surface of the fermented coffee beans.

After washing with water, drying it for a few days, drying it by machine, and finally using a sheller to remove the endocarp to become raw coffee beans that can be used as a commodity. In this way, it has a better color and less impurities than dried coffee beans. Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala and other countries use this method for about 70% of their coffee.

Judgment of appearance

Delicious coffee can be known from the shape of its roasted coffee beans. Of course, there can not be bad coffee beans mixed in, it is more important to note that normal beans will also be mixed with high-quality coffee beans and cause hindrance. A coffee bean that can brew delicious coffee must, first of all, be fat and crepe evenly, followed by the same size and colorless spots. These are the main points of visual discrimination, and it is not difficult to distinguish them if you look at them carefully.

Bad bean species

Fermented beans fermented coffee beans that fall from the soil before harvest. The moldy smell will have a great impact on the taste of coffee.

Dead beans, also known as unripe beans, or affected by climatic factors, the development is not perfect. Fried spots will be produced after baking, making the coffee have a green and astringent taste.

Black beans fermented beans, coffee beans that have rotted and blackened. Because it is black, it can be distinguished from normal coffee beans at a glance.

Moth beans Coffee beans infested by insects.

Defective beans may be stuck during work, or carelessly handled during handling, resulting in incomplete coffee beans. There are fried spots when baking, and will produce bitter and astringent taste.

Other remaining thin-skinned beans, stunted beans, dried beans that do not completely produce moldy flavor, only shell beans (shell beans)