Coffee review

Introduction to the correct method of pressing powder in the video course of coffee cloth powder

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee cloth powder video tutorial pressing powder strength correct introduction 1 knife plate type, flat knife grinding is more uniform than cone knife, although cone knife is not uniform, but in general its non-uniformity is stable within a standard, that is to say, the powder seen only once may be slightly uneven, but the uneven degree of each grinding is still at a level, considering low calorific value in recent years.

Introduction to the correct method of pressing powder in the video course of coffee cloth powder

1 the type of cutter head, flat knife grinding is more uniform than cone knife grinding, although the cone knife is not uniform, but in general, its non-uniformity is also stable within a standard, that is to say, the powder seen only once may be slightly uneven, but the uneven degree of each grinding is still at the same level. in recent years, it is considered that low calorific value, coupled with uneven grinding can sometimes bring more rich flavor. Conical knives are used more and more in the competition!

The amount of beans in the soybean warehouse should not be small, and too few beans will make the grinding uneven.

3 the knife head has not been cleaned for a long time, or it is damp, just clean it.

4 the cutter head is damaged, change the cutter head.

How to judge whether it has achieved the effect of uniform distribution of powder? In addition to carefully performing the action of the cloth powder and careful observation, the production process can also provide some clues to determine whether the cloth powder affects the quality of the extraction and Espresso.

In general, the extraction time should be controlled at about 25 to 30 seconds, but sometimes it will be found that the outflow state of coffee will soon become unstable, a large jump, and the color will soon become very light. At this time, we can judge: there is a problem inside the pressed powder (there is a crack) or the less part of the coffee powder is overextracted due to the uneven pressing powder (and this may also be caused by the uneven distribution of the coffee powder) or it is the uneven distribution of the powder. so that the edge is not covered with coffee powder, causing water to flow directly through there. After the extraction is completed, take off the handle and observe the shape of the pressed powder. If there is no coffee powder on the edge, or the coffee powder is soaked, it is because of the uneven cloth powder that leads to the extraction failure. Then the next adjustment will start with the cloth powder.

The use of finger push is more suitable for double-head handles (that is, handles that can make two cups of Espresso at the same time) rather than single-head handles. Because the bottom of the double-headed powder bowl is a flat surface, it requires that the coffee powder should be evenly distributed so that each part of the coffee powder has the same thickness, which is convenient for the control of the pressing power and the overall uniformity. While the bottom of the single-headed powder bowl is not a plane, it is generally a two-step structure from the outer edge of the powder bowl to the center. This makes the central part of the coffee powder thicker than the edge part after the coffee powder finishes forming a plane on the surface, so that although the central part and the edge part are subjected to the same pressure, the compactness is not the same, which has a great impact on the future extraction. Therefore, at this time, it is required that after the coffee powder is evenly distributed, the surface should be slightly concave in the middle (so that the overall thickness of the coffee powder can be kept consistent), and then pressing the powder is easier to achieve a uniform and compact effect. Therefore, it is not suitable to pass by fingers, but it is more suitable to scrape off part of the coffee powder from the middle of the powder bowl to form a concave shape with the lid edge of the powder cartridge.