Coffee review

Analyze the common taste of coffee-- astringent taste of all kinds of coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Analysis of the common taste of coffee astringent taste of all kinds of coffee first: what is astringent taste? Is it a smell? Or is it like sour, bitter, sweet and salty that can be perceived by the sense of taste? Second: how does the astringency of coffee come into being? Third: what is the way to reduce or avoid astringency? With these myths, I looked up some information, although the question was not completely solved.

Analyze the common taste of coffee-- astringent taste of all kinds of coffee

First of all: what is the astringent taste? Is it a smell? Or is it like sour, bitter, sweet and salty that can be perceived by the sense of taste?

Second: how does the astringency of coffee come into being?

Third: what is the way to reduce or avoid astringency?

With these myths to check some data, although it does not completely solve the problem, but the theoretical explanation of astringency does verify some problems in the operation.

First of all: astringency is a kind of taste, not taste. The American Society for testing and Materials (ASTM) defines astringency as the compound sensation of wrinkling and contraction caused by epithelial cell leakage in alum or tannin solution. Astringency is a complex feeling that involves the dryness and roughness of the oral surface, as well as the tightening, dragging or wrinkling sensation of mucous membranes and muscles in the mouth. It is generally believed that astringency is sensed by tactile mechanoreceptors and transmitted by the free nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve, so it is a diffuse, unstable sensation. Its sensory characteristics are often described as wrinkled, rough or dry taste.

This accounts for 30% of the factors affecting the taste of coffee, which is indeed crucial. Not to mention the complexity and subtlety of baking technology, even the same bean with different baking degrees from medium,high,city to full city will show a completely different flavor, relatively shallow baking generally has obvious acidity, but with the deepening of baking degree, more bitterness, sweetness and richer taste are brought into play, and the acidity is reduced. By the time the baking reaches full city, the acidity has been completely lost. It is replaced by higher mellow and crisp bitterness and rich sweet taste.

Coffee beans are generally divided into "new crop" and "old crop" according to the harvest year. Although the newly harvested coffee beans tend to show too much astringency and sour taste, the new beans have more refreshing acidity and richer taste than the old beans "old crop", which are more than one year old. As long as they are roasted properly, they can get the rich taste of coffee, just like old rice without fragrance, and old beans lack distinct flavor. There is no depth.

The most common are washing and tanning, and there is also a semi-dry treatment called "pulped natural", which is common in Brazil and Central America. The general washing method helps to maintain the acidity and purity of coffee, and it is easy to produce bad sour taste if it is fermented excessively. The sun rule can better highlight the mellowness of coffee and retain the richer taste of coffee, but it is not easy to produce miscellaneous flavors when handled in this way, while the semi-dry rule combines the advantages of both, which can not only ensure the purity of coffee, but also retain more fruity and mellowness, especially the coffee treated by this method has an incomparable sweetness, so the coffee processed in this way in China and the United States has a good name "honey coffee".