Coffee review

Why the higher the altitude, the better the coffee.-the finer the coffee beans, the better?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why the higher the altitude, the better the coffee-the finer the coffee beans, the better? generally speaking, with the increase of altitude, the aroma of coffee becomes more and more prominent and unique (see figure). From the temperature and sweetness of Brazilian beans at 3500 feet above sea level to the soaring taste of Ethiopian coffee beans above 6000 feet, altitude will give coffee beans a more complex and subtle taste at high altitude.

Why the higher the altitude, the better the coffee.-the finer the coffee beans, the better?

Generally speaking, with the increase of altitude, the aroma of coffee becomes more and more prominent and unique (see figure). From the temperature and sweetness of Brazilian beans at 3500 feet above sea level to the soaring taste of Ethiopian coffee beans above 6000 feet, altitude will give coffee beans a more complex and subtle taste.

Coffee beans grown at high elevations are hard, dense and have the potential to give full play to their special flavor. The really amazing coffee growing areas are between 4000 and 6000 feet above sea level, and these beans are picked carefully only during the mature season. Coffee in Central America is rated according to the altitude at which it grows. For example, SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) is the term for Guatemalan coffee beans, indicating that coffee grows above 4500 feet. Mexico is called Altura, which means "high" in Spanish, indicating that it is high-altitude coffee; Papua New Guinea adds the name "Mile High" to mark coffee beans grown in the highlands and mountains.

CATURRA [Katula] was first found in Brazil and is also the result of hybridization with BORBON. Its plant is short and compact, so it has more shade, forming a good windproof effect, so that its flowers are not easy to be blown down by the wind, and bear more fruit. CATURRA tastes like BORBON (American whisky) with a thick soup-like feel and a deep syrup-like ultra-high fat, creamy mouthfeel. Medium acidity, with slightly acidic and sweet dark chocolate finish in medium and deep roasting, is an unforgettable espresso. PACAMARA was first found in El Salvador (Central America). It continues to develop because of its suitable natural environment and good planting under the loose soil of volcanic ash. It is famous for its extra-large bean shape and clear and pure taste. Overall: PACAMARA is a multi-flavor, rich coffee bean. Elegant soft and sour taste, with berry-like fruit aromas throughout, with a pleasant and satisfying taste in the finish. PACAMARA is one of the hybrids of BORBON, so it has the soft and sweet characteristics of BORBON. In the performance of medium baking, it has a bold but sour and bitter taste, and has a nutty taste, while in deep baking, it has dark chocolate flavor.