Coffee review

How much is the full set of hand-ground coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 18 yuan for AA, remember to buy AA. This grading is made by themselves and cannot be used as a yardstick. Even more advanced beans are advised to be familiar with their own cooking and tasting before starting. Then there is the cooking equipment: one. If you don't drink espresso, the Dharma pressure will be a big catch. Choose. Only need a French kettle (tea maker)-15 yuan, no wear and tear. two。 Further

18 yuan for AA, remember to buy AA. This grading is made by themselves and cannot be used as a yardstick. Even more advanced beans are advised to be familiar with their own cooking and tasting before starting. Then there is the cooking equipment: one. If you don't drink espresso, the Dharma pressure will be a big catch. Choose. Only need a French kettle (tea maker)-15 yuan, no wear and tear. two。 The further test of the skill is the hand punch. A 102 filter cup-20, a consumable filter paper-10 yuan per box, hand punch pot-100 yuan. five。 The Irish cup / cup holder, the rare cooking style of the Belgian royal family, can be considered after getting a deep taste of it. three。 The next step is the siphon pot, and the primary equipment is the siphon pot and the source of fire. Siphon pot, then there are 150-4, 500, depending on your choice, the source of fire is usually alcohol stove-15 yuan. It can also be replaced by a chemically tried alcohol lamp or an outdoor stove. If you like to play outdoors, it is recommended to buy a gas / oil stove, 180 around. four。 Mocha pot. This can make espresso, but it is also a test of craftsmanship. Buying a Bilody can prevent repeated investment, around 350. A milk steel used to build a cappuccino / latte, 35 yuan. In addition, the mocha pot also needs a source of fire, either with a gas stove or a siphon pot. six。 Coffee Maker. The scale of this choice is too large, from 350 domestic small machinery to more than 4000 silvia, with a large span, but according to the experience of great masters, there is still a large gap between espresso and professional machinery below silvia, so it is not recommended to consider it. The above is a general knock, see what other tx has to fill, heh heh. Typing is so tiring.