Coffee review

How to cut coffee machine handle into bottomless powder bowl handle-coffee machine handle with single and double ends

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, How to cut coffee machine handle into bottomless powder bowl handle-what are the disadvantages of coffee maker handle with single and double bottomless handles? 1. The increase in the height of the water makes the coffee liquid easy to splash and stain the coffee machine, but this is almost offset by the convenience of cleaning the bottomless handle itself. two。 A bottomless handle cannot divide a double espresso into two cups. If the customer orders a single espresso, it will be necessary.

How to cut coffee machine handle into bottomless powder bowl handle-coffee machine handle with single and double ends

What are the disadvantages of bottomless handles?

1. The increase in the height of the water makes the coffee liquid easy to splash and stain the coffee machine, but this is almost offset by the convenience of cleaning the bottomless handle itself.

two。 A bottomless handle cannot divide a double espresso into two cups, and if the customer orders a single espresso, they need to weigh the single serving from the double.

Bottomless handles have some drawbacks, but it is safe to say that these are secondary. Bottomless handle has both advantages and disadvantages, if you are interested in it, you might as well buy it and give it a try.

A good concentration of extraction cup requires stable pressure, suitable water temperature, suitable grinding degree, suitable powder content and so on. Then what is appropriate? For example: WBC stipulates that 1 serving of Espresso is 1oz (25~35ml, including Crema), boiled at a temperature of 90.5 to 96 degrees Celsius, brewing pressure 8.5bar~9.5bar, and extraction time of 20 to 30 seconds (no mandatory stipulation). In order to meet the above requirements, a good Italian coffee maker and bean grinder is essential. Often a lot of novice extraction is difficult to concentrate, because at the beginning do not understand, want to get started to play, the result bought a relatively poor so-called 15bar pressure Italian coffee machine and can not accurately adjust the scale of the bean grinder or only suitable for grinding coarse powder single product grinder. I would like to appeal to all novices, do not rush to buy espresso equipment, be sure to do your homework before starting, otherwise it is easy to spend money, but also can not make coffee!

The "handle" is the filter handle we use to extract Espresso.

You may be wondering if there are any cool coffee artifacts to improve your skills. Of course, there are everywhere powder presses and sexy electronic scales to measure the strength of powder pressing.

The "channel effect" makes it easier for water to flow through cracks and loose spots in pressed powder, which can cause coffee to be extracted unevenly, resulting in a bad cup of Espresso. The common reasons are uneven force when pressing powder, or too much powder (too much coffee powder).

Espresso extracted from one side

Whitening columns may appear when coffee is extracted, bringing a bad taste. It usually occurs at the end of the extraction, but not in the extraction.

The whitish Espresso is being extracted, and the uniform tiger pattern of the flow column is a good sign, as long as the stripes are moderately dark and the flow rate is not too fast or too slow. Most people think that a 2-ounce cup of double concentrated extraction time should be controlled between 22 and 30 seconds, but in the end, let the taste speak!

The Espresso splashed out is white in color.

The bottomless handle allows the barista to clearly see everything under the coffee machine. The influence of the "channel effect" can be judged by the "spatter column" and the "intermittent column", where the coffee is spilled from different angles.