Coffee review

How long does it take for coffee trees to blossom to mature coffee berries?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How long does it take for coffee trees to bloom to mature coffee berries? coffee trees can only grow in the tropics and subtropics, and coffee trees can grow in different climates, soils, elevations and rainfall in the middle of the coffee belt. Coffee trees thrive in Africa's hot and humid canyons and forest rainforests, and it still produces high-quality coffee in cold, foggy, windy Central America.

How long does it take for coffee trees to blossom to mature coffee berries?

Coffee trees can only grow in the tropics and subtropics. Coffee trees can grow in different climates, soils, elevations and rainfall in the middle of the "coffee belt". Coffee trees thrive in the hot and humid canyons and forest rainforests of Africa; it still produces high-quality coffee beans in cold, foggy, windy Central America; and in the Caribbean, where the climate is changeable, drought and torrential rain, it still blossoms and bears fruit. These factors are the secret that coffee beans have different flavors and a wide variety.

Every March, the branches of the coffee tree will appear white flowers, the petals are spirally arranged, and the heart jumps around the petals. If you take a closer look, you can see that it is really like a small windmill playing in childhood, emitting the fragrance of jasmine flowers; the fruit is oval, berries, crimson, and contains two seeds, that is, the coffee beans we are familiar with.

Coffee trees usually wither after two or three days of flowering and begin to bear fruit after a few months. The fruit is a drupe with a diameter of about 1.5cm. It turns green at first, then turns yellow gradually, turns red when ripe, and is very similar to cherry, so it is called cherry coffee (Coffee Cherry). It can be harvested at this time.

Coffee takes about five years from seed to blossom and bear fruit.

Coffee beans begin to bear fruit 3-5 years after sowing, and 5-20 years is the harvest time. A coffee tree can bear about 3-5 kg of coffee fruit every year.

Coffee trees are evergreen tropical shrubs of Rubiaceae. The wild ones are as high as 4-7 meters, while the artificially cultivated ones are pruned and kept at about 2 meters. It takes about 4-5 years from sowing, transplanting seedlings to growing into trees, and its economic life is about 30 years.