Coffee review

How to pour out the hand-ground coffee machine?-what is the reason why the coffee from the coffee machine is so weak?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to pour out the hand-ground coffee machine-what is the reason why the coffee from the coffee machine is very light? the grinding prop for coffee beans is a grinder. There are numerous types of mills ranging from manual at home to large electric ones for business. Household grinders can also be used as decorations, and the number of people need more than one grinding, or electric to facilitate. According to the structure of the mill, coffee beans are cut with the edge of the vertical and horizontal groove.

How to pour out the hand-ground coffee machine?-what is the reason why the coffee from the coffee machine is so weak?

The grinding prop for coffee beans is a grinder. There are numerous types of mills ranging from manual at home to large electric ones for business. Household grinders can also be used as decorations, and the number of people need more than one grinding, or electric to facilitate.

According to the structure of the grinder, there are grinders that use vertical and horizontal groove blades to cut coffee beans and those that grind coffee with molars. Each has its own advantages, and the situation of business use tends to mass production of the electric type as the mainstream.

1. The degree of grinding suitable for brewing and cooking should be selected.

2. The temperature produced during grinding should be low.

3. The powder particles after grinding should be uniform.

4. Grind before cooking.

No matter what kind of grinder is used, it is bound to generate heat by friction in operation. Most of the fine substances are highly volatile, the heat of grinding will increase the speed of volatilization, and mellow is lost in the air. After the coffee bean is ground, the cell wall will completely disintegrate, the area of contact with air will increase a lot, the rate of oxidation and deterioration will become faster, and the coffee will lose its flavor within 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Therefore, it is recommended not to buy coffee powder, it is best to buy coffee beans, grinding before drinking, grinding should be brewed as soon as possible. Before the invention of the bean grinder, people used stone pestles and bowls to grind coffee beans. A doctor once experimented with this ancient tool and compared it with a modern bean grinder. It is said that the coffee powder made from pestles and stone bowls is the most mellow.