Coffee review

Does the sourness of washed beans come from fermentation?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, The sour taste of washed beans comes from fermentation. Fine farms will identify defective beans manually or by machine and pick them out and throw them away. The manual selection method usually uses a conveyor belt about 1 meter wide, with several female workers sitting on both sides to visually select the bad beans; some good farms even go through several selections until no defective beans are found. machine selection rule

Does the sour taste of washed beans come from fermentation?

Exquisite farms identify defective beans manually or by machine, pick them out and throw them away. Manual selection usually uses a transmission belt about 1 meter wide, with several female workers sitting on both sides visually picking out bad beans, and some good farms are even selected several times until defective beans are not seen. Machine selection rules use computers to identify defective beans, followed by a grading process that divides coffee beans into several quality grades according to established standards. Good coffee enters the selected coffee market, while bad coffee flows into the commercial coffee market.

1. Choose beans:

Put the harvested fruit in the water tank, and the ripe fruit will sink, while the unripe and overripe fruit will float up and can be removed.

2, dry:

Put the selected ripe fruit in the square and expose it to the sun for 5-6 days until it is fully dry. At this time, the fruit becomes dark brown and the moisture content is 13%.

3, shelling:

After drying, the peel becomes fragile and easy to fall off, and can be removed by machine. Farms run by enterprises usually have their own shelling factories, while small farms are processed by processing centers.

4, selection and grading:

Exquisite farms identify defective beans manually or by machine, pick them out and throw them away. Manual selection usually uses a transmission belt about 1 meter wide, with several female workers sitting on both sides visually picking out bad beans, and some good farms are even selected several times until defective beans are not seen. Machine selection rules use computers to identify defective beans, followed by a grading process that divides coffee beans into several quality grades according to established standards. Good coffee enters the selected coffee market, while bad coffee flows into the commercial coffee market.

5, polish:

The exocarp and endocarp can only be removed by shelling treatment. At this time, the silver film is still wrapped in the outer layer of the seed, and the film has to be ground off by machine. Then, pack the coffee beans into a bag of 60KG. The weight of bags varies slightly from region to region. Most of them use sacks.