Coffee review

How long does it take for coffee trees to blossom to mature

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, One of the characteristics of a coffee tree is that its fruit can bear fruit several times a year, and that flowers and fruits (also known as cherries) coexist at different stages of ripening. The whole coffee harvest is swayed by the vagaries of nature. If the fruit is too ripe, the beans in it will rot. If it is not ripe enough, the beans picked will not

How long does it take for coffee trees to mature from flowering to maturity?

One of the characteristics of the coffee tree is that its fruit can bear fruit several times a year. Another characteristic is that flowers and fruits (also known as cherries) coexist at different stages of maturity. The whole coffee crop is subject to the vagaries of nature. If the fruit is overripe, the beans inside will rot. If not ripe enough, the beans will not ripen themselves. So bean pickers often return to the same tree several times in search of ripe fruit--only two pounds of fruit on several trips, and a typical Arabica tree produces less than five kilograms/ 11 pounds of fruit a year, making about one kilogram/ 2.2 pounds of beans.

Every March, the branches will emerge white flowers, petals spiral arrangement, flower heart around the petals jump, a careful look, really like childhood play with the small windmill, issued bursts of jasmine fragrance.

The first flowering period of the white flower red fruit coffee tree is about three years old. The white flower has five tubular flowers, with a faint jasmine fragrance. The inflorescences are dense and arranged in clusters.

The fruit is a stone fruit, about 1.5 cm in diameter, initially green, then gradually yellow, mature into red, and cherry is very similar, so called Coffee Cherry (Coffee Cherry), can be harvested at this time.

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Coffee trees usually wither two or three days after flowering and begin to bear fruit a few months later. The fruit is a stone fruit, about 1.5 cm in diameter, initially green, then gradually yellow, mature into red, and cherry is very similar, so called Coffee Cherry (Coffee Cherry), can be harvested at this time