Coffee review

Folding method of coffee filter paper video how to fold square coffee filter paper

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Coffee filter paper folding video square coffee filter paper how to fold drip coffee machine this complex coffee machine often has a matching coffee filter paper, its use is usually relatively simple. For example, dripping coffee and just pull out the filter, spread the new coffee filter paper, pour into the ground coffee powder, and press the brewing switch. After brewing and boiling, pull out the filter and remove the coffee grounds and filter paper

Folding method of coffee filter paper video how to fold square coffee filter paper

Drip coffee machine this complex coffee machine is often equipped with coffee filter paper, and its use is usually relatively simple.

For example, dripping coffee and just pull out the filter, spread the new coffee filter paper, pour into the ground coffee powder, and press the brewing switch. After brewing and boiling, pull out the filter, throw away the coffee grounds and filter paper and replace it with new filter paper.

1. The next part of the filter paper is folded along the seam and placed in the drip.

two。 With a measuring spoon, pour several portions of the coffee powder (about 10 ~ 12g per person) into the drip and tap a few more times before the surface becomes flat.

3. After boiling the river water in a teapot, pour it into a small-mouth kettle and gently inject the boiling water (the water temperature is about 95 degrees) from the central point, slowly spiraling until the boiling water is permeated and covered with coffee powder. Be sure to pour it in slowly.

4. Extract the delicious ingredients and steam the expanded coffee powder (stay for about 20 seconds).

5. The second time the boiling water is injected slowly from the surface of the coffee powder. The amount of water injected must be consistent with the amount of coffee liquid extracted, and the boiling water of the filter paper must be kept at a certain level.

6. The extraction liquid can be stopped as soon as it reaches the number of people, and the state of boiling water left in the filter paper will be discarded.