Coffee review

Introduction of coffee drip brewing apparatus

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee dripper brewing utensils introduce ① to inject appropriate boiled water into the flask (about 140CC per cup), because coffee powder will absorb water, so there should be more water. ② fastens the filter cloth to the top of the cup. The new filter cloth should be boiled with coffee grounds before use. After the hot water in the flask such as ③ begins to boil, place the upper cup on the flask to make the boiling water flow to the upper cup. four

Introduction of coffee drip brewing apparatus

① inject proper boiled water into the flask (about 140CC per cup). Because the coffee powder absorbs water, there should be more water.

② fastens the filter cloth to the top of the cup. The new filter cloth should be boiled with coffee grounds before use.

After the hot water in the flask such as ③ begins to boil, place the upper cup on the flask to make the boiling water flow to the upper cup.

Add a little cold water to ④ to cool the boiling water to about 90 ℃.

⑤ add the coffee powder and stir with a wooden spoon to fully blend the coffee powder with boiling water.

⑥ stir and let stand for 45 to 60 seconds, then turn off the heat to allow the coffee to flow back to the flask.

C) drip type adjustment (ice drop type)

Water drop coffee is also known as Dutch coffee. The earliest primitive form of the dripping pot was invented by Archbishop D'Bello of Paris in the early 19th century.

This method of brewing coffee is to use cold water or ice water to quench the coffee essence slowly, like water droplets, at a rate of about 40 drops per minute. As the speed is very slow, we should choose deep-fried and ground coffee powder to quench. This kind of coffee brewed for a long time contains very low caffeine. Therefore, it tastes particularly refreshing. In ordinary cafes, the price of water drop word-of-mouth is three times that of ordinary ice, and you have to make an appointment in advance.

① add ice first, then pour in cold boiled water. Do not inject boiling water directly.

② first stir-fry and grind the coffee powder, pour it into a cylinder filter, and then gently press the coffee powder to fix it.

③ fixed the round filter paper for the water drop coffee maker in the cylinder filter.

④ installs the cylinder filter and filter tube of coffee powder and filter paper so that the filter is fixed on the bench.

After the ⑤ fixed the cylinder filter, the kettle that had been filled with ice water was also fixed on the bench.

⑥ adjusts the amount of water of the drip suppository at a rate of about 40 drops per minute, and it is completed in about 5 to 6 hours.