Coffee review

Drink coffee with your mind

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, A team led by Donohue, a neuroscientist at Brown University in the United States, in the motor cortex of a 58-year-old woman (S3) who completely lost the ability to speak and move her limbs for 15 years, and a 66-year-old man who had a brainstem stroke in 2006 and could only move his eyes and head (T2), plant plants into an array of electrodes called brain gates, which can read different brain signals and then send messages through wires.

A team led by Donohue, a neuroscientist at Brown University in the United States, in the motor cortex of a 58-year-old woman (S3) who completely lost the ability to speak and move her limbs for 15 years, and a 66-year-old man who had a brainstem stroke in 2006 and could only move his eyes and head (T2), plant plants into an array of electrodes called brain gates, which can read different brain signals and then translate them into instructions through wires. Directing the robotic arm to do things. This device calibrates the patient's brain activity for about an hour and a half. Manipulating the robotic arm, the foam ball with a diameter of 6 cm was successfully held 2/3 times. S3, can also make the robotic arm bring her a cup of coffee. Her electrode array was implanted five years ago, and although it has some functional degradation, it still has the ability to record the signals sent by her brain to manipulate the robotic arm. The results of the study were published online on May 16 in the journal Nature.
