Coffee review

When Coffee Meets Chocolate-Cappuccino Cake

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Chocolate seems to be the darling of West Point, an ordinary West Point, with it, will immediately become extraordinary taste. What happens when coffee meets chocolate in a West Point? Once upon a time in a west point, they met. On that occasion, chocolate appeared as cocoa powder, with a slight bitterness. Coffee blends with wine and light cheese aromas, between lips and teeth


Chocolate, seems to be the darling of West Diet, an ordinary West Diet, with it, will immediately become extraordinary taste. What happens when coffee meets chocolate-in some west dish?

Once in a West Point, they met. At that time, chocolate appeared as cocoa powder, with a touch of bitterness. Coffee combines the aroma of wine with a light smell of cheese, making it wonderful between lips and teeth. This West Point is famous-Tira Misu.

And this time, coffee and chocolate meet again, what wonderful miracle will be created?

We know that cappuccino is a kind of frothy milk coffee, and adding chocolate to the coffee should be called mocha. Then why is this cake called cappuccino cake?

Because the delicate and attractive coffee cake is covered with thick white chocolate cream, it feels like the thick foam on the surface of cappuccino coffee. The cappuccino cake gets its name.

With the wonderful combination of chocolate and coffee, the delicate aroma of butter cake and the sweetness of white chocolate cream, is there any reason not to look forward to it?

[cappuccino cake] (weight: Changdi CK25 baking tray, size about 26 × 29CM)

Cake ingredients: 280g butter, 230g low-gluten flour, 50g cocoa powder, 140g fine sugar, 140g brown sugar, 5 eggs, 12g instant coffee powder (dissolved in 15ML water, cooling), 1 tablespoon of baking powder.

White chocolate cream: 150g white chocolate, 68g butter, 20ML milk, 220g powdered sugar.

Also prepare an appropriate amount of instant coffee powder or cocoa powder to sprinkle the surface.

Baking: in the middle of the oven, 180 degrees, on and off, about 25-30 minutes.

Production process:

1. After the butter is softened, add fine sugar and brown sugar, stir at a low speed with an electric egg beater until the butter and sugar are well mixed, and then beat at a high speed. Until the butter becomes lighter and bulky.

2. Add beaten eggs to the whipped butter. Add at least three times, each time after adding the eggs, stir until the butter and eggs are fully mixed, and then add the next time.

3. After all the eggs are added, the buttered egg paste should be smooth and avoid the separation of greasy eggs as far as possible.

4. Instant coffee powder is dissolved in 15ML boiling water, cooled, poured into the mixture in step 3, and stirred evenly.

5. after sifting the low-gluten flour, cocoa powder and baking powder, pour into the mixture in step 4 and stir well to get the cake batter (you can use the low speed of the electric egg beater to get a smooth and uniform batter. Don't stir too much). Pour the cake batter into the baking pan (spread the baking pan with a layer of butter beforehand) and put into the preheated oven, middle layer, 180 degrees, on and off heat, about 25-30 minutes.

6. Take out the baked cake, demoulding while it is hot, and put it on the cooling rack until it cools completely. After cooling, apply white chocolate cream on the surface, sprinkle some instant coffee powder or cocoa powder, and then cut into small cubes.

White chocolate cream:

Cut the white chocolate and butter into small pieces, put them in a large bowl and add the milk. Put the bowl in hot water and keep stirring until the white chocolate and butter have melted. Remove the bowl. After cooling to room temperature, pour in the powdered sugar and beat with an egg beater until the powdered sugar and chocolate paste are fully blended and the texture is smooth to form a white chocolate cream.



1. Brown sugar can not only add flavor to the cake, but also add color to the cake. If you don't have brown sugar or don't like the taste of brown sugar, you can use the same amount of fine sugar instead.

Instant coffee powder can choose your favorite brand, it should be noted that instant coffee powder refers to pure coffee powder, not the kind of 1: 2 instant coffee with sugar and coffee companion.

3. The degree of butter is critical. If it is not enough, the cake will not be high enough and the organization will not be soft and delicate enough. If you pass too much, the baked cake is easy to collapse.

4. After the cake is baked, the sooner the cake is released, the better. Otherwise, the heat inside the cake will not go out, which will cause the edge of the cake to retract. But be careful not to burn your hands.

5. The weight of this cake is relatively large. When making it for the first time, it is recommended to reduce the weight appropriately and make it with a smaller baking pan or other mold (such as a small fruit bar mold).

6. Take advantage of the baking time. If it is overbaked, the surface of the cake will be very hard.

7. when making white chocolate cream, it is recommended to use an electric egg beater to stir chocolate paste and powdered sugar at high speed. If you use a manual egg beater, it is difficult to beat very smoothly.
