Coffee review

Coffee powder is fine ground good or coarse ground good coffee thickness

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Different brewing methods require different grindings: Coarseness: About the size of planed wood chips, similar to flaky particles, suitable for filter press use. Medium size: about the size of coarse sugar, suitable for hand filter cups and hand filter cloth use. Medium Fine: About the size of sugar No. 2. Suitable for electric coffee makers, siphon and mocha pots. Fineness:

Different cooking methods require different grinding granularity:

Coarse granularity: about the size of planed sawdust, similar to flaky particles, suitable for filter pots.

Medium granularity: about the size of coarse sugar, suitable for hand filter cup and hand filter cloth. Medium fineness: about the size of No. 2 sugar, suitable for electric coffee maker, siphon and mocha pot.

Fine granularity: about the size of quicksand on the beach, suitable for Italian coffee maker and water drop iced coffee. Finest granularity: about the size of too white powder, suitable for use in Turkish pots.

Of course, there is no rigid rule on the thickness of the powder. Coarse powder will be easy to underextract, but too fine and easy to over-extract. Only when we make continuous adjustments according to the actual situation, making your favorite coffee is the key point!