Coffee review

Yega Xuefei hand teaching _ brewing Yega Fischer washing _ Kochel coffee how much is a cup of coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the common methods of making coffee by hand are: one-cut flow, three-stage style, stirring method, and click method, volcanic impact, meteorite impact, Kono impulse, zigzag Chong, three warmth and so on. Hand Chong genres are so diverse, but there is only one purpose, to get a unique cup of good coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The common methods of making coffee by hand are: one-cut flow, three-stage type, mixing method, and spot method, volcanic impact, meteorite impact, Kono Chong, zigzag Chong, three warmth, and so on.

Hand Chong genres are so diverse, but there is only one purpose, and there is no lack of experimental fun while getting a unique cup of good coffee. Want to brew a delicious cup of hand-brewed coffee at home is actually very simple, master some tricks and keys, you can also get a delicious cup of hand-brewed coffee.


Three-stage water injection method

That is, segmented extraction, injecting a section of water into three stages.

Suitable for light, medium and medium roasted coffee beans

Segmented extraction method of three-stage water injection

Advantages: it is richer than the one-knife flow, and can clarify the flavor of the front, middle and back of the coffee. The method is to increase the amount of water injection each time after steaming, usually when the coffee liquid is about to drop to the surface of the powder layer, and use small, medium and large water flow to do three-stage extraction.

Disadvantages: there will be relatively high requirements for the flow rate and flow rate of water.

In the past, the water of street coffee washed Yega Chefecochel coffee beans as an example.

Use [three-stage water injection] + V60 filter cup

15g powder, water temperature 88.9 degrees, grinding 3.5

The ratio of water to powder is close to 1:15

35 grams of water is steamed for 32 seconds.

Segment: water injection to 110ml cut off, slow water injection to 228ml


Stirring and steaming

It is suitable for coffee beans which are very shallow roasted, shallow roasted and medium roasted.

European-American mixing method: cross stirring with [mixing stick] in the stewing stage, which is also a branch of three-stage style, which was developed after Matt Perger, the champion of the 2012 World Cooking Competition. This method can effectively enhance the release of aromatic substances in coffee beans, magnify the flavor advantages of coffee beans, enhance the taste of coffee, will not be too thin.

Mixing method requires high quality of coffee beans, if you use poor coffee beans, it will magnify its bad flavor. In addition, the stirring steaming method is more suitable for cooking shallow roasted coffee beans, and fine grinding is often taken in the degree of grinding, which can increase the soaking area of coffee powder and improve the extraction rate. Not so good is that it is difficult to grasp the degree of mixing, stirring more will have a stiff sour taste, a long time will be bitter, the strength must also be feminine.

What does it mean to make a small hole in the middle of the powder before steaming and injecting water? In fact, the purpose is very simple, that is, because there is more powder in the center, it is used to concentrate the flow and distribute the flow evenly. Of course, it is not necessary to do so, and the impact of water flow during water injection can also achieve this goal.

However, if you can not grasp the degree of mixing, it is also easy to over-extract. This method can not only effectively enhance the release of aromatic substances, but also has a significant effect on the special flavor.

Take washed Kochel coffee beans as an example

Use [stirring] + V60 filter cup

15g powder, water temperature 88 degrees, grinding 3.5

The ratio of water to powder is close to 1:15

Steaming for 30 seconds (shallow and medium baking)

And stir with a stick for 10 seconds during steaming.

Then continue the spiral water injection.


One knife stream

Coffee beans suitable for medium or deep roasting

Its meaning is that after steaming, only one uninterrupted injection of water is done, hence the name.

After steaming, a continuous injection of water can make the coffee powder continuously soak in water, the retention liquid can fully release the aromatic substances in the coffee powder, and the flow velocity increases continuously, reducing the water flow before the water overflows the filter cup.

This method, the main control is the amount of water injection and flow rate, can achieve the whole section without losing the sense of balance, inappropriate water injection, will destroy the overall sense of balance of coffee.

The main purpose of this method is to maintain a peaceful flavor and a sense of balance. What is not so good is that, because the water injection technique is not well controlled, the water falls through the filter paper on the edge of the upper layer where there is no coffee powder, so that the coffee made may be mixed with water smell.

Take the Blue Mountain of Jamaica as an example, use [one-size-fits-all] + flannel

25g powder, water temperature 85 degrees, grinding 4.5 (small Fuji)

The ratio of water to powder is close to 1:10

Steaming in 40 grams of water for 20 seconds


Japanese drip water injection method

Suitable for medium-roasted, medium-depth, deep-roasted coffee beans

The water flow of drip water injection is weak, destroy the coffee powder layer as little as possible, reduce convection and increase the soaking time. The coffee made by this Japanese method has high mellowness, high sweetness, rich smoothness and distinct texture.

Because the effluent of the hand flushing pot needs a drop by drop, it is suitable to choose the flattened wide mouth spout or the wide mouth crane spout.

The advantage of this kind of hand punching pot is that the thickness of the water flow can be controlled, and it is more suitable for drip water injection. With Kono's tapered filter cup, its ribs stop less than half the height of the filter cup, so that the filter paper can be fully attached to the cup wall after water absorption, and the exhaust space is greatly limited. This method is more suitable for medium and deep roasting or deep roasting coffee beans.

At the beginning of water injection, we use drip water injection to increase the soaking time, and in the case of low ratio of water to powder, the coffee powder is fully expanded without any miscellaneous smell, and then injected with fine and coarse water to extract the flower and fruit aroma in front of the coffee. the whole process takes about 4-5 minutes.

Take Manning as an example.

Use [drop method] + KONO filter cup

18g powder, water temperature 83 degrees, grinding 4 (small Fuji)

The ratio of water to powder is close to 1:13

Steaming for 2 minutes-2 minutes and a half

Extraction time 4 minutes


Three warm hand flushing method

Suitable for light-roasted and moderately roasted coffee beans

In the process of cooking, it is boiled at three different temperatures and extracted by stages.

The advantage of the three-warm hand method: you can extract a cup of shallow roasted coffee with sufficient aroma, sweet and sour feeling and long aftertaste. To a certain extent, segmenting and cooling can fully show the hierarchical sense and fullness of coffee, and avoid soaking and extracting in smart cups, or filtering slowly, which leads to excessive astringency.

The first time a large amount of water was injected, the water temperature was still very high. Because the high water temperature helps to fully extract the aroma from the coffee.

The second large amount of water injection, the water temperature will be between 8 and 93 degrees, the higher the water temperature, the higher the acidity and the brighter the coffee acidity, and the lower the water temperature, the sweeter the coffee will be. Pour water into 200cc (about 200g).

When the second water injection is nearly finished, lift the smart cup, the switch will stop the flow of water, stop the filtration, and then remove the pot.

Washing beans for Ethiopia

Use [three warmth] + smart filter cup

Powder weight: 16g, water quantity: 240cc

The first water injection (steaming): water temperature-close to boiling; time 30s.

Second water injection (filtration): a large amount of water is injected, and the water temperature is still close to boiling.

The third water injection (filtration): water temperature drops to 88-93 degrees, large amount of water is injected to 200cc.

The fourth water injection (immersion): the water temperature dropped to 80-85 degrees, 40 grams of water and soaked for 20 seconds.

Yejia Fischer Coffee Bean Brand recommendation

The water-washed Yega Fischer coffee beans roasted in front of the street are fully guaranteed in terms of brand and quality. And more importantly, the performance-to-price ratio is extremely high, a pack of half a pound 227 grams, the price is only about 75 yuan. According to the calculation of 15 powders per cup of coffee, 15 cups of coffee can be made in a bag, which costs only about 5 yuan per cup, which is very cost-effective for coffee shops to sell dozens of yuan a cup.

Qianjie coffee: Guangzhou bakery, the store is small but a variety of beans, you can find a variety of unknown beans, but also provide online store services. Https://