Coffee review

Selection of coffee beans for espresso machine selection _ espresso machine coffee beans are coarse or fine

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more information about coffee beans Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) not all espresso tastes the same, but there is only one way to make coffee. Choose coffee beans if you don't have high-quality coffee beans, you will never make a good cup of espresso, no matter how you fix it. Remember, buy.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Not all espresso tastes the same, but there is only one way to make it.

Choose the coffee beans.

You'll never make a good espresso without quality beans, no matter what you do to fix it.

Remember to buy only the best beans and grind them carefully before making coffee each time. Some coffee packages are marked with the roasting date, and some even mark the date of picking the beans to ensure that your coffee beans are fresh.

Not all espresso tastes the same, but there is only one way to make coffee, so be adventurous and explore different styles and flavors.

good equipment

A common mistake is that many people spend most of their budget on one machine and underestimate the importance of a good grinder.

Also, the espresso machine you buy should provide constant pressure and temperature, and ideally, both should be adjustable. If you have a machine like this, you are not far from making a good cup of coffee.

Know your water.

If the water is too hard, it may spoil the taste of your coffee. In addition, processing agents in tap water may give your coffee a bad taste, which can ruin your expensive coffee beans.

If there is a home RO (reverse osmosis) unit, the unit can be customized. This way, even if you are making espresso, you can get a constant stream of clean water.

Another quick solution is to find soft water or mineral water.

production technology

The key to making espresso is mixing flavor, texture and aroma, which can only be achieved by balancing resistance and flow. If you use a VST powder bowl, you'll need enough to thicken the texture, but it may make the coffee too sticky. Even distribution and careful technique can make the flow through the mill uniform. Try to find a solution through the amount of water, I believe you can be handy to make a perfect cup of Italian coffee.