Coffee review

Analysis and comparison of advantages and disadvantages of six kinds of hand Bean Mill Brand recommendation of 2022 hand Bean Mill

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) have you ever seen or used a manual bean grinder? It is not only easier to carry than the electric bean grinder, the price is more friendly to the people, but also makes you have more fun when making coffee, and the feeling of grinding is quite relieving.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Have you ever seen or used a hand bean grinder? It is not only easier to carry than the electric bean grinder, the price is more friendly to the people, but also allows you to increase the fun of making coffee, the feeling of grinding is quite stressful ~ it just takes time and effort.

But there are so many introductions and recommendations in the market, how can I choose?

The big problem with boutique coffee is that it is not immediately available like wine, beer or tea, due to the fact that coffee beans need to be ground to brew, rather than opening the cork, turning the lid, opening the bottle or putting the tea into a teacup. However, coffee beans need the function of grinding, so many coffee drinkers do not like to buy household bean grinders because of the relatively high cost.

In recent years, boutique coffee makers often use cheap hand grinders to grind coffee beans. Put these hand grinders on the shelf of the coffee bar and get the attention of the bakers. Coffee brewers know that it is bad to grind coffee beans with a chopping bean grinder. When brewing coffee, the consistency of coffee powder thickness and quality is very important, so that coffee powder can be extracted evenly. However, the chopping bean grinder will be ground into bean slices of different sizes, and the coffee powder can not be extracted evenly.

All kinds of hand bean grinders

So can a hand grinder meet the needs of coffee shops or household brewers so that they can make the best coffee anywhere? I'm afraid I can't help it. However, there are places suitable for hand bean grinders, such as travelers living in restaurants or away from home, which do not use electricity, so they are usually cheaper and are of higher value than top automatic bean grinders. A hand bean grinder allows coffee drinkers to enjoy good coffee every day. While studying this article, the author tried his best to find a hand bean grinder (unfortunately, the popular Kickstarter only funded one product that had not yet been produced) and finally chose four different Hario models. The author also strives to find highly recognized bean grinders: OE Lido 2 and Porlex JP-30, a small device that makes coffee beans elegant.

In most cases, these grinders are suitable for hand-brewed coffee, but the opportunity to grind beans by hand is more difficult and inefficient. People who attach importance to coffee grinding should invest in bean grinders like Rancilio Rocky or La Marzocco or Mazzer Mini.

Hario Skerton

● practicality and design:

Practicality and design: Hario Skerton is perhaps the best-known hand bean grinder on the market today, a versatile tool from Japanese coffee equipment manufacturers (you may have seen their V60 tapered filter cups and stainless steel hand pots) from one of the largest suppliers. Over the years, there have been some minor improvements to this bean grinder, which has a soft rubber base and silicone cover to prevent wear and tear after grinding coffee beans, and a large part is to improve ceramic grinders that make it difficult to adjust the thickness of coffee beans. This is the easiest grinder to operate during the test, although it took the author at least one minute to confirm the grinding mode. Grinding an ounce of coffee beans takes a lot of effort.

Using most hand grinders, you will find that you are awake before you drink your coffee. There is no exception. The screws above make it easier to hold the handle in position, but adjusting the thickness of the grinding is the most challenging part of this equipment. The step involves taking out the nut and handle, keeping the position of the serrated washer, tightening or loosening the washer to adjust the grinder, but it is not without difficulty. You can see how much space there is at the bottom of the bean grinder, and then put coffee beans to check the size, which is tedious and intuitive work. But once the set goal is achieved, the consistency of the ground beans is better than that of any bean grinder with a chopper blade.

● evaluation:

Evaluation: the most obvious disadvantage of this bean grinder is the hard to disassemble glass seat and the adjustment of grinding thickness. However, excluding other competing products, the bean grinder is probably the best in terms of price, style, ergonomics, and portability. Although its glass seat is slightly heavier than the other two smallest bean grinders.

Hario Mill Slim Mini

● practicality and design:

Is the lightest bean grinder here, small hard plastic and pleasing appearance will be the competitive elements of this bean grinder. It is a good companion when traveling and weighs only 8.75 ounces or 247 grams. Although there is a lighter and easier to hold bean grinder Porlex, but operating it seems to have the hidden worry of hurting the user's wrist. Using Mini Mill requires more arm and hand strength, but Mini Mill's powder storage space is smaller than the normal bean grinder, with a maximum capacity of only about 22 grams. But in any case, it is more than enough to make a cup of coffee. However, as the gray ceramic grinder is relatively small, it takes more time to grind coffee beans. It's just that you don't need to grind too hard, because if it's not firm, the handle may fall off. However, it is easy to adjust its grinding device, as long as you open the bean grinder and tighten or loosen the plastic screws connected to the bottom.

● evaluation:

Mini Mill is the cheapest bean grinder here, as its name Mini Mill is a good companion when traveling. It's not as consistent as beans from other bean grinders, but it's enough for people who travel. In addition, the plastic fuselage makes Mini Mill more resistant to collisions during travel.

OE Lido 2 Lido 2

● practicality and design:

Some people will do something creative in life. Orphan Espresso has made the most expensive and dreamy hand bean grinder on the market, which is their latest creation: Lido 2 looks like Shredder's infamous jar in Ninja Turtle II: the Secret of slime, except that it can't turn dandelions into scary monsters (or turn turtles into crime-fighting heroes). The Cadillac (or McLaren P1) in this bean grinder works best among the bean grinders mentioned here. It is priceless, expensive, and can even be well preserved in a harsh environment, and you don't have to worry about being affected by a power outage. It is made of sturdy plastic, glass and stainless steel, but it also weighs 3.5 pounds, making it completely unsuitable for travel. Then why do you need it? Italian-made steel knives can crush an ounce of coffee in just a few seconds. For example, Hario needs 40 to 50 laps to grind beans, while Lido can grind beans in only a dozen laps.

Is this the best? The adjustment of grinding is a bit tricky, and the strength required by the grinding machine may not be able to make up for it. The author asked his father and girlfriend for a test, and they found it difficult to hold and operate this huge grinder. Although there is not much difficulty for the author, I enjoy the continuous power of Lido 2 grinding. Lido 2 can hold up to 8 ounces of coffee powder, so if you make coffee for a group of people, this hand grinder is perfect for you.

● evaluation:

Lido 2 is not suitable for travel because of its size and weight. But for people who like gorgeous, they may like to put this expensive toy in the kitchen. It is the Rolls-Royce of the hand bean grinder, and its grinding function also proves its value. But it costs $175, and you might want to buy a medium-sized Baratza bean grinder, because it's very easy with just a button or switch.

Hario Acrylic BoxHario Acrylic

● practicality and design:

Practicality and design: this is perhaps the most interesting and innovative bean grinder to introduce this beautiful and cool device. First of all, it is not round, and it is not easy to recognize. The transparent gray plastic box makes it look like a bottle of cologne, but has a large metal handle on it. This strange switch seems to be the extra part of the equipment, and the bean grinder is stabilized by a sucker on the rubber base. This is an excellent bean grinder, but it will be a little confusing at first. In addition, make sure the glass cover is set in place, or it may disintegrate in your hands. The adjustment of the grinding function is the same as the Hario Skerton, it must take a few minutes to set the screw to adjust the size of the powder, and the small drawer needs to be opened during grinding. It's easier to hold the side of it, or if you don't plan to use a sucker, or if you want to exercise while grinding beans, you can also hold the grinder with your knees.

● evaluation:

Evaluation: the author likes to use this kind of bean grinder very much. On the whole, I like its sturdiness, light weight, and the beautiful combination of my favorite appearance. The moderate price is in line with the budget of most people, and the author also uses its ground beans to make coffee. The only real drawback is that it is not easy to set up, and setting to perfection requires a lot of trivial process.

Porlex JP-30Porlex

● practicality and design:

Its sleek, stainless steel appearance makes it attractive at the counter in shopping malls, which is why many stores and bean bakers recommend Porlex. Adjusting the grinding settings is as easy as Hario Mini Mill, as long as you tighten or loosen the white plastic screws. But the bean grinder has a major drawback: its smooth appearance makes it possible to hurt the wrist of the operator, which can be exhausting if you are not ready to use this small cylindrical device. In addition, you need to swing your arm back and forth several times to operate this small bean grinder to grind the beans. It may look cool on the outside, but it will be painful for you to use it every day.

● evaluation:

If you don't have much space left in your bag, the Porlex will be a good choice for you, and it's as easy to carry when you travel like the Philharmonic pressure. But compared with Hario Mini Mill, Hario has a higher rating because it is easier to hold.

Hario Canister

● practicality and design:

Hand bean grinders have been around for decades, with companies like Zassenhaus and Peugeot making some excellent classic designs (unfortunately, we can't test and evaluate these products). These modern appliances made by Hario are reminiscent of the days when hand bean grinders were a must-have in many kitchens. The design of the glass bottle at the bottom of the Hario Canister is an odd design, adjusting the grinder in a similar way to Skerton and Acrylic, but its dark metallic appearance makes it look better than other Skerton and Acryic.

This bean grinder weighs about 795 grams or 28 ounces, but it is more stable to use on a table or table, and its weight is not suitable for travel. The large capacity allows him to grind more coffee beans at a time. Hario designs a plastic cover at the opening to prevent coffee powder from flying out, but it often falls off during grinding.

● evaluation:

It is a good choice for those who want to put the old-fashioned design bean grinder at the counter, but this bean grinder is not suitable for comparison with other bean grinders, because the Skerton design is easier to hold, the Lido is more impressive on the shelf, and the Aryclic design is more beautiful.


The hand grinder suitable for home is Hario Acrylic, because it is easier and more interesting to use (except that the grinding function is difficult to adjust), plus the smooth appearance placed on the counter. Hario Mini is suitable for travel and Lido 2 is biased for display. Skerton is the best choice for families to grind beans, but in the end they should pay $140for Baratza Encore or even $100for Capresso Infinity.

Article translated from: eater